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I know it’s a phrase we’ve seen and heard time and time again — there’s no way any of us saw 2020 going like this. While I still managed to hit some significant goals, the pandemic certainly forced my focus to be at home. And that’s not a bad thing. I’ve tried to pass that perspective on to my kids as well. Sure, we don’t see our friends. But we will! And no, we didn’t get to go on vacation as planned. But we will when it’s safe. And so I created this 2020 year in review printable for kids so that we can look at the bigger picture together.
What I learned this year
I’ve always been a ‘busy’ person. I used to commit to too much and then feel completely drained. And when March hit, my busy-ness came to a full stop. I immediately leaned into it. Because, well, what other choice did I have?
Who knew that remote learning and distance learning would be such an important part of our vocabulary in 2020?! I’m certain none of us had any idea. When schools went remote in the Spring, I was ready for it. I saw it coming and new that I just had to do what we could to get through until Summer.
Truthfully, distance learning at that point felt more like homeschooling on our schedule. I was grateful. Granted, my son was only in the first grade at the time. But still. And, most of the time, we made it through easily. Sure, we had ocassional hangups; but nothing major.
Being at Home
Ya know, this part of the pandemic didn’t quite bother me so much. I know I’m one of the lucky ones. I primarily work from home, but I did also take a leave of absence at my part-time gig (followed by a lay-off). We would go days and days without driving in the car. And then, suddenly, I would just need to get out. But without anywhere to go, the kids and I would just drive around.
But my husband worked from home for a couple of months and, honestly, it was nice having him around. The kids hated when he had to go back to the office (which, honestly, is just him and one other guy — distanced and masked).
And, after we decided to cancel our August vacation (in April), we made the decision to put some work into our house. We hired a local contractor to put up a very long privacy fence. Shortly thereafter, we hired him to also put in a deck for us. Hours and hours were spent tearing down and then building up a new playset for the kids. Next we built a new sandbox. And, finally, we installed a hot tub.
But we also had more meals at home. More movie nights weigh the kids. And many, many, more memories made.
Why I’m grateful for 2020
I’ve never ever been a ‘roll with the punches’ kind of person. I like a clear, set plan. But, it turns out, when faced with a global pandemic, I learned to seriously just lean into taking this year for what it gave me.
Don’t get me wrong — I am straight up sad. I’m sad for the lives lost and those who have suffered. I’m even more sad for those on the frontlines who have had to deal with science deniers in the digital age. But I’m also happy that this year brought clarity — some of which was hard-fought. I have lost friends and acquaintances to differences in opinion; but I’ve also gained a whole heck of a lot.
I’ve gained the understanding that some people are only meant in your life for a season or a reason. Additionally, I’ve increased my appreciation for the basics: a roof over my head, food on the table, my family, and our health. I’ve also strengthened relationships with family and friends. And I do not discount that for a second.
2020 Year In Review Printable For Kids
Whether or not you leaned into this year; whether or not you felt this year was majorly disruptive or a much needed slowdown; take a moment to check in with your kids. Be sure to use this PDF Printable and ask your kids to fill it out (or help them).
Nikki Wayne
I also love the things you appreciated this year. 2020 really gave us so many realizations.
2020 was one heck of a year. Glad to see it pass.
This is a really nice printable too!
I feel like I need to do it too! Put things in prospective
Helen Little
This is such a lovely idea for kids! We’ll try it!
Patricia @ Grab a Plate
This is amazing for kids! And really, it’s pretty good for adults, too – a good reminder of what we’ve been through! I might print this and send to my sister for my little niece!
Sarah Althouse
Oooh I love the thought of doing this even for myself. It’s so good to reflect before the next year.
Nadalie Bardo
How adorable is this! I love the idea of little ones reviewing their year, such a great exercise.
2020 was a crazy year for sure. I am so excited to start a new year and just hoping against hope that this covid 19 nonsense will soon be behind us. I am so excited to make new goals and tackle new obstacles.
Renata Feyen
Year’s like this will make a lot more people be grateful for the ordinary things like just being able to go outside when you feel like it 🙂
Marjie Mare
I never thought about doing that with my girls. This is such a brilliant idea, thanks for sharing.
I absolutely love that you’ve created this printable. I can’t wait to fill it out and reflect on the year! Wishing you a magical 2021 x