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This weekend my parents visited from Kentucky. My mom hasn’t seen Ari since January, and my dad was moving the remainder of our belongings from my childhood home. Yep, two weeks after they put it on the market — and one year after they moved to Kentucky — their house in Ohio sold! It’s bittersweet. It’s the home I grew up in, but my parents are making a new life in Kentucky. It is, in fact, just a house! Right?
Oh! And last night I had my first solo-parent overnight experience. Chad had to travel to Columbus for work today and we were supposed to get some snow, so I encouraged him to head down early. Also, I wanted to make sure I could handle Babycakes and the dogs for myself. If only to prove to myself that I’ve got this! And it was successful [if we’re defining successful by the fact that we’re both still alive.].
This week work will be the same old thing; but lately I’m happier and happier for the weekends. Family time is my absolute most favorite thing ever [even if Babycakes tends to be a bit cranky on the weekends].
I’m excited for Spring. We’ve had a super mild winter by Northeast Ohio standards. But on the first day of Spring, craptastic weather hit our area. And it’s supposed to be cold and snowy for this entire week. Ughhh. Spring, where are you?
I’m addicted to Gossip Girl. For no reason. Seriously. It’s awful. But I’ve been watching it while I pump at home and at work [hooray for Netflix on my iPhone!]; and it’s terrible. But in a mindless, trashy, ok kinda way. PS. Where is more Pretty Little Liars when I need it?
I wish work served Starbucks coffee instead of Maxwell House. Yuck! I just can’t do it; I just can’t drink crappy coffee.
I’m happy when I have a few minutes at the end of a long day to snuggle up with my husband. And I’m equally as happy to have a few minutes of time to myself at the end of a workday. Time with the hubby + alone time are so important!
Weekly mantra: Serious truth in this one!
i’m so so excited for spring and summer, bring on the sun!
I always try to get some snuggle time with the boy, then snuggle time with my husband, AND some alone time every night. It doesn’t always work, and I usually have to drop the alone time, but I try!!