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This weekend we enjoyed some absolutely beautiful weather! Between 50 – 65 degrees all weekend! I hope this means spring is here to stay.
This week I have a 4-day work week. I’m a bit excited about having Thursday off from work. Chad took off, also. So we’re dropping Ari off at the sitter, as usual, and taking the day for ourselves! Hooray, for date day!
I believe in challenging myself. I’m challenging myself to be a better wife, mother and employee. In that order. I feel like as of late, I’ve been so wrapped up in Ari that I haven’t been the wife I want to be. Yes, I know, you’re supposed to be wrapped up in your child; but there’s a fine line. And my marriage is the number 1 most important thing in my life.
I’m excited to finally try Noodlecat on our date Thursday. And we’re planning to swing by Sweet Designs. Can’t wait to pick up some candied ginger dark chocolate bars!
I’m addicted to cheese. And no, it wasn’t just a pregnancy thing. It just became more extreme during pregnancy. Seriously. Yesterday for dinner I had ham & Swiss cheese. Not on a sandwich, just by itself. I blame Chad for buying Swiss cheese. It’s a weakness he’s aware of.
I am wishing and hoping that Ari’s cough would go away. He was coughing for much of the weekend and it officially started to freak me out. Although he doesn’t have a fever, I still worry something more will develop.
I’m happy to have good friends to turn to. I know no matter what, they are there for me. And they put up with me even when I can’t hold a normal conversation because I’m so sleep deprived!
Weekly mantra [courtesy of my fortune cookie from Saturday]:
Hope you have an amazing day with your husband!!!!
Me and cheese are like BFF’s…I can’t stay away from it! 🙂
Have fun on your date day!