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This week is going to be B-U-S-Y. For reals. I have every day planned to a T. Which means, when s*** hits the fan and my schedule goes off the rails (because, it will. You know,… kids.), I’m going to be completely bummed. Well, I’ll do my best NOT to be completely bummed; but it’s inevitable that I will be frustrated. Sooo deep breaths. Deeeeep breaths.
I’m grateful for all of the people I’ve met, both in real life and on the interwebs, because of this blog. For serious. It’s not always easy to put myself out there, but when I do I feel like I can move mountains! Mountains, ya’ll!
I’m content with my job. I love the people I work with and the institution itself. I just, well, freaking LOVE it! And today gymnastics classes start back up for Summer session! So I get to see those smiley little kid faces again!
I wish my children would nap. Or sleep at night. Or ever. Seriously. Saturday, after an awful night of sleep Friday night, Remy napped for 10 minutes in the morning and about 15 minutes in the afternoon. She. Is. AWFUL. For serious. I just need them to sleep. No, I don’t need advice. I’ve tried literally everything you can think of. Ari was the same way as a baby but this seems to be worse because, well, I have a toddler now, too.
Happiness is alone time. What? I’m just sayin’.
Weekly Mantra:

I absolutely LOVE this quote!! I feel like if you’re not a mess, you’re lying… haha! I’m amazed by people who seem to have their *ish together.