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This week is full-on nesting mode! For serious. Something happened over the weekend (perhaps it was that night of lying awake in bed just thinking), and now I’m on a mission to truly tackle my to-do list! Watch out, world! [PS. Hopefully all this nesting means that Baby Girl is coming soon…??]
I’m grateful to have had a wonderful holiday weekend with my husband and Moosh. Seriously. We recharged in a big way. ♥ Much needed!
I’m content with going to bed at 8pm with Moosh these days. Sure, I miss out on some ‘me’ time in the evenings, but gosh, I like, TOTALLY LOVE sleep. Love it.
I wish I could shake this craving. Cause I still want to eat a burrito, a Swensons hamburger, and a Krispy Kreme donut all at once. Ha ha!
Happiness is getting lots of sleep! I’m soaking up every minute, every hour of sleep, Moosh allows me to get. Which is why I’m also napping regularly with him! It’s lovely.
Mantra of the week:

I want to eat a burrito, a Swenson’s hamburger, & a Krispy Kreme donut all at once… & I’m not pregnant to excuse it. JUST KINDA FAT & INDULGENT. Do it, I say. At least you’ve got a good excuse, eh? 😉