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It’s been a helluva week. Illness, holidays, more illness, and stress.
But as we enter into the final few days of 2014, sure, I’ll be doing some reflecting. But I’m also just trying to keep it together. 2014 was the year that I pretty much was sick nonstop. I don’t know how (or why?), but I was sick a LOT. And illness bring stress; and then stress brings more illness.

I think it’s been hard staying true to who I am with all that’s been going on. I’ve been questioning and second-guessing myself. And I’m over it. It is what it is. I can’t change what’s happened; I can only control my reaction to it. Right!?
So go out there and LIVE these last few days of 2014. Be true to yourself, even if no one else understands. 😉
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