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I can’t believe it’s almost November. I just can’t believe it! Not only do I have a one-year old (eeek!!), but that one year old is OVER a year old! Ha! Time sure is flying!
And each weekend seems to fly by, too. In the best way ever, of course!
Thank goodness for a bit of calm. I found my ‘zen’ this weekend, that’s for sure. And I didn’t even find it on my yoga mat! I found it at home.
Our exciting Friday night started with Babycakes going to the doctor with the worst cough ever (I say that until the next cough, of course). Turns out the diagnosis was seasonal allergies. Again. I swear each time it sounds worse and scarier than before. Thankfully he was prescribed some babies Claritin and has gotten better.
But that just kinda set the scene for our (fairly) chill weekend. Cause once he went to sleep (early!!) we started to watch Gatsby. Aaaand I fell asleep at 10. Ha! I can’t even make it through a movie these days!
And then I slept til 8. No joke. This is freakin’ unheard of these days! Thank goodness Chad woke up early with Ari this weekend, cause this sick Mama needed all the sleep she could get!
The rest of our weekend was spent celebrating Halloween a bit early! I was so excited to do some Trunk-or-Treating during the day (pre-nap!) and then hit up a party & Trick-or-Treating post-nap!
And now the picture overload. Because who doesn’t love an elephant!?
This guy!! He has my WHOLE heart!
After the Halloween fun of Saturday, we took one very sleepy baby home and put him to bed… and then enjoyed some delicious Indian takeout from The Saffron Patch. It was pretty much the perfect Saturday. Followed by an equally awesome Sunday. Pajamas on a Sunday and a full day of relaxing was the perfect way to round out our weekend.
Regardless of the relaxation I get over the weekends, I am always, always, exhausted come Monday!
But that just gives me something to look forward to for the next weekend. And it makes those evenings at home, doing just normal family stuff, that much sweeter. XO
His costume is adorable and I really love your hair, it’s so cute!!!!!