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This weekend was how I wish every weekend would be — simply amazing.
It started on Friday when I spent the evening in my pajamas! I cleaned and relaxed and started the weekend out on the right foot.
Saturday I stayed in bed for as long as possible. It was a dreary morning and Ari was sleeping in [hooray! — but he was up a number of times throughout the night]. So I snuggled up in our big cozy bed and caught a few more z’s.
We spent most of the morning cleaning the house and preparing for our date! It was our first date where we had a teenage sitter watching Ari. But not just any teenager — our sitters daughter! The only teenager I would completely, 100% trust with our Babycakes! By 2pm we were on our way to Cleveland for the Indians game!
We had tickets to the Indians Social Suite — a suite reserved for people who frequent social media to observe and live-tweet the game! [you can check out all of the details and apply here; or you can follow the social suite by following #socialsuite or #tribetime on twitter.
We watched the Indians destroy the Chicago White Sox from the comfort of our suite, thankfully! It was cold and rainy, but we had a blast hanging out with @koskim and @jensteer!
The game ended by 7PM so we were home early enough to put Ari to bed. No matter how long or short of a time we seem to be away from him, we miss him tons!
And then Sunday morning was here before we knew it! Besides plans to meet up with my friend Gretchen and her new baby, we had very little on our agenda! Spending the morning at Nervous Dog Coffee Bar with Gretchen & the baby was perfect. Two lattes and lots of conversation later, and both babies started to get fussy.
After our coffee date, Ari and I headed to Earth Fare to pick up some delicious healthy food [and perhaps some vegan oatmeal raisin cookie dough as well!] before heading home! I was able to get a run in while Ari napped.
He napped! Like, a real nap! 2 hours and 45 minutes, to be exact. It was lovely. And it made our day. Once he woke up he was happy and playful and it even warmed up enough for us to go swing in the park!
It was pretty much the most perfect weekend ever. Any weekend that’s fun and leaves me feeling refreshed & ready for the week? Amazing.
I love his smile in that last picture…so sweet.