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True story.
Yesterday was not nearly as painful a work day as I imagined it would be. It was long as heck, but I survived.
True story.
After the gym this morning I was feeling extremely sick to my stomach. I got home, took a shower, and then I threw up (which is extremely unusual for me). Now I feel better. This made me very happy… and then very worried.
True story.
I am going to support
LawGirl and go on a shopping hiatus as well! Not only is it good for my budget, but I know what she’s going through and I sometimes it’s easier knowing there’s someone else doing the same thing!True story.
I could not sleep a wink last night. I was tossing and turning and wide awake by pretty much 1:30am. I’m fairly certain this means I will be falling asleep at my desk around 2pm today.
True story.
I hate grocery shopping on a budget. I used to love going to the grocery store. Now it’s my least favorite ‘chore.’ Even doing dishes is better.
True story.
Jenny @ Practically Perfect...
I love your true stories post! Great idea ๐ Sorry that you had such a crappy night, and then to throw up on top of it – ugh! I know that I usually feel better after I throw up, too. And I think it's great that you're going on a shopping hiatus to help support a fellow blogger. Good luck!
I love True Story Tuesday! That's so creepy about the balloons, I would have thought of the same thing. I'm sorry you didn't feel so hot after the gym, I hope it doesn't come back! Good luck on your shopping hiatus!
Smart Ass Sara
OK- I have to say that I still avoid the dark, and am still scared to open the shower curtain and will, literally, run across my room to jump onto the bed because of that damn movie, IT. And I'm 27 now. ๐ True story.
Skinny Bitches in the Making
OMG! I rented IT a couple of months ago and had to turn the lights on halfway through. that freaky-ass clown and those damn balloons still creep me out.
I hate grocery shopping too! It is the number one thing I hate about being an adult. That and budgeting…
Better than throwing up & NOT feeling better though, right? I don't mind grocery shopping on a budget. I like the challenge. Yes, I am strange.
“and then I was terrified” hahaha! you crack me up. hope the sickness was a fluke! maybe you are just working out too much…you know, too much of a good thing makes you throw up! ๐
Hey, I decided to revive Tova Darling's Totally Awkward Tuesdays for today. If you'd like to play along, stop by!
Mrs. Lopez
OMG the balloon thing would have freaked me out too! I watched IT when I was in junior high and was completly terrified! I still hate clowns to this day!
Georgie K. Buttons
Clowns. *shudder*
Guess what else is a true story? The move The Strangers. My friend didn't believe me and we googled it at 7am. it's based on the Mansons. I'm sure you're happy.
Lil' Woman
Psssh I don't even remember the last time I went grocery shopping…I have steak dinner dreams on a grilled cheese budget! ๐
to this day gutters still scare me because of IT, that movie has forever scarred me, haha.
alexa - cleveland's a plum
you know i've never seen IT
Um hi, you threw up this morning? That would like destroy my day.
I'm so glad you're doing the shopping ban with me! It will make it WAY easier to have someone doing it along with me!
I've never seen “IT.” Looks pretty creepy.
I cannot stand going to the grocery store. I try to go super early on weekend mornings to avoid the crowds (and find fresher produce!)
Have a good remainder of the week ๐
Oh, and I should join you girls on the shopping ban…
Jennifer Suarez
Stopping by to say hello and check out your blog. I went through a few pages of your posts and I have to say we have a lot in common. We both live in the Syracuse area, love etsy, starbucks pumpkin lattes and I also can relate to the feelings of being weight obsessed.
It's tough especially when people look at you and think “But you're THIN! How could you even THINK you're eating too much or that you've gained too many pounds? I'd give anything to weigh what you consider to be fat”
(I hear those kinds of things A LOT) But we all want to look and feel a certain way. *shrug* I don't know. I could write a blog within your blog about it LOL, but I just wanted to tell you I understand.
ooh i loooooved the movie IT when i was little! but yes. terrifying.
Crystal Rae
Love this post. You should start a Mr. Linky, and have people link up a True Story Tuesday to your posts. This is great.
Crystal Rae
also, IT scared the crap out of me. :p
I've been on a shopping hiatus too, only necessary purchases. It is so boring! And yes, grocery shoppping even blows now!