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It’s Tuesday. Which is not Monday, and basically a Wednesday. And Thursday is my Friday this week, so we’re in pretty good shape!
True story.
And I have pink eye. Which is one of the least fun things that can happen to your eye (it’s 2nd to not having an eye at all).
True story.
I drive to Ohio to see BF and Thursday night and I’m really excited to see him. We are going to spend our weekend sleeping in and snuggling. It’s been a long three weeks and I don’t think we’ll be going three weeks again. It was way too long and drained me emotionally.
True story.
I’ve found myself being super stressed about money lately. Like, crazy stressed. And I don’t like it. I’m fine with living on a budget. I like it. But at some point I just want to scream, I’m so stressed.
That’s the long and short of my Tuesday’s truths.
Domestic Goddess
pink eye is not fun! hang in there girl…and this is my wednesday too!!!
the Mr and I were long-distance before we got married… he lived in KC and I lived in Houston! we did it for 2 yrs….not fun but it was so worth it in the end…I really think our relationship is better bc of it!
hang in there and have a great weekend!!!
Mrs. Lopez
I hope you have a good weekend with BF!
Awww… feel better soon hun – and have a great time with your honey this weekend! Have a safe trip! :o)
Skinny Bitches in the Making
i also have the money woes. i wish i could discover i'm a trust fund baby soon. sounds like a really nice weekend you have planned.
Yay for snuggling!
Jenny @ Practically Perfect...
You poor thing – get over your pink eye, soon!
Georgie K. Buttons
I had a dream last night that I won 2 million dollars. I woke up thinking it was real. Lol.
Hang in there! I know how hard the long distance can be. That's great if you're able to swing visits less than three weeks in between–I wish I could make that work!
I've been crazy stressed about money, too. Why is an honest buck so hard to come by?
Ah man, hope your eye gets better soon!
Ugh! That sucks about pink eye! HOpefully you heal up quick! Don't rush putting your contacts back in…if you wear contacts! I hate budgeting too!
Have fun with BF this weekend! You definitely deserve it!
PS: Thanks for the warm thoughts on my blog, it meant alot! ((hugs))
three weeks is too long!! but yay you get to see him this weekend!
Enjoy Ohio! …. From Ohio