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True story.
Syracuse is supposed to get hit with a few large storms this weekend. I’m really not looking forward to it.
True story.
This would normally be BFs weekend to visit, but he has to work in Ohio, so I’m a lot little bummed.
True story.
But this will give me some more time to pack for my move in a few weeks.
True story.
The Bachelor is hilarious. Not in a “I hope they get married & live happily ever after” kinda way, but in a “these stupid, stupid, girls!” kinda way.
True story.
I finished Mad Men Season 1 last weekend and now I understand what all the fuss is about! What an awesome show! I love it and Netflix will be sending me season two shortly.
True story.
Oscar likes to sit/lay/sleep on top of my clothes when I’m packing (see picture) so it should be fun to pack all of my things up for the new place {please note the sarcasm}.
True story.
I'm in the middle of watching Mad Men and it's sooo good! I adore the clothes and attitudes to different things. Good luck with the packing!
Sorry about bf not being able to come. You'll see him before you know it!
Oh and I saw your tweet this morning but was too busy to respond. I agree that I mesh better with blog/twitter friends than I do real life sometimes. Exhibit A: if I need someone to vent to about bf being so far away, you know you're at the top of the list!
True Story: Oscar is such a cutie! Can't get mad at that sweet face!
I'm excited for Thursday too! it should be fun. I'm also not excited about packing… although I do not have a cute puppy to lay on my stuff!! 🙂 see you soon.
my favorite saying everrrrrr!!!!
Awe but he's so cute!! I just got done packing and unpacking, good luck!!!
I love Mad Men! One of my favorite shows!
That *look* he is giving you! Like “What's *your* problem?” I used to get it frequently from my Casey. LOL!
Welcome to the “Mad Men” addiction. Advanced symptoms include a sudden desire to drink whiskey at noon and dress like Joan Holloway.
And that dog of yours is just too darling.
I agree about the Bachelor 🙂
Just found your blog – so super cute!
I'm your new follower – come visit!!
Sarah Ann
Mia was the same way when we tried to pack for vacation, she kept hopping in the suitcase! 🙂