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I feel like I’ve posted this story already, but back by popular demand, we have what I refer to as… the Target Lady story.
I apologize if you have heard this story before, but it’s funny enough to read again so just deal with it.
My friend (we’ll call her Agg) and I went to Target shortly after I moved back to Ohio (about two and a half years ago) late one Friday night. We went to dinner or something and she had to stop at Target to get a couple things off of two different bridal registries. I went. We chatted. We shopped. We were in no particular hurry at all.
It was nearing Targets closing time, so we made our way to the check out area. There were only two registers open and no one in line. So we stepped up to the empty register.
We were greeted by a woman who was easily in her nineties. She had a nametag on and underneath her name it said “trainee.” No biggie. We didn’t mind.
So the cashier starts checking out our items, which were on two different registries. The cashier scanned the registries. It wouldn’t come off the registry. She tried again. Still nothing. So she called someone over to help her.
Meanwhile, another lady steps in line behind us (we shall call her Bee). While the second cashier is helping the older trainee (who still has no luck), Bee starts huffing and talking under her breath.
I continue chatting with Agg… I can’t remember about what. And Bee just starts screaming “Are you going to take all f*in day? This is unbelievable! HURRY UP! God *bleep* what is taking so long!?!?” I couldn’t believe she was freaking out at this poor little old lady cashier.
And without even hesitating or skipping a beat.
I turned to Bee and said screamed, “Yeah, we are going to *beepin* take all night, do you have a problem with that, whore??”
And another woman, let’s call her Miss Nice, was in another line and started screaming at Bee as well! So here we are screaming at Bee and meanwhile the old sweet cashier lady has no idea that any of this is happening (just to give you an idea of how old she was–no joke, had no clue).
Bee is dropping F*bombs so I started dropping more…
Bee walks to the other line and continues to yell so I yell back…
“You’re such a b****! Your children hate you and your husband doesn’t love you anymore!!”
Ummm yeah… I said it. And she was there alone. And that shut her up.
So I have no idea where it came from or why I said it but I was shaking by the end of this altercation.
People think this is funny and I still get pretty heated when I think about this.
So that’s target lady story.
Don’t judge.
I am ALWAYS the one sticking up for cashiers and other retail workers. I was one for a long time and I know how hard it is to stay professional and nice when someone is yelling at you and calling you names. I once bitched out a man at the grocery store for calling the cashier a “freaking idiot”. I used lots of swear words and even though he didn't show his emotion…I am sure he cried in the parking lot. Hahaha!
Oh my gosh, don't know if I would have gone that far but shit if the shoe fits and she deserves it I really can't say I blame you. Ha! Stand up for what you believe in!
At least the old lady didn't catch on! How horrible!
oh that story is hilarious…well the part about you going off on Bee is hilarious. it is NOT nice what Bee did to poor ol cashier lady.
I've wanted to go off on people like that many times. I need to hang out with you more!!!
Haha, that is crazy, but I love it!
haha, wow. You've got some guts girl. I love this story!
haha I love that you did this! Definitely showed some guts to turn around and say this to the lady but good for you for standing up for the little old lady! I don't understand why people cannot be patient!
I LOVE when someone sticks up for those who are unable to do so! There are many “Bees” in this world who need to meet the few Rachels that exist. Good for you!
Hahah love this and you!! haah!
Unbelievable! I promise, I laughed (loudly) when I read that you screamed right back at her! Someone needed to put that woman in her place and maybe she'll think twice next time before being hateful to someone who completely didn't deserve it!
Sometimes scenes need to be made!
Oh my god, she sounds unstable! Good for you for giving it right back to her! I'm usually pretty mild-mannered, but if someone is downright mean, I have no patience for it!
hahaha I just came across your blog and I love it! I cannot believe she would freak out like that but kudos to you for sticking up for her! I would have freaked out on her too!!
ha ha ha! I can just see all this going down! LOL – glad you stuck up for the poor little old lady. What a bitty that other woman was and SO RUDE!
ha ha ha! I can just see all this going down! LOL – glad you stuck up for the poor little old lady. What a bitty that other woman was and SO RUDE!
Hilarious!! Great story!!
Hahaha, that's great!
This is hillarious!!! I'm proud of you for sticking up for the cashier. Some people were obviously never taught respect. XOXO
I left something for you over at my blog ๐
Omg what a night! I love the honesty in this story ๐
I really enjoyed reading this!!!
And- go you!
I have a “Dillard's Lady” story that my family always brings up – We all say, “You're being the Dillard's Lady right now!” in a fight. Haha.
Good for you!!! It is a hilarious story, but so true that everyone needs someone to stand up for them once in a while!
That's awesome! I can't believe that she would talk to the poor old lady that way. People amaze me sometimes. Good job!
P.s. got your comment about karaoke. We will definitely have to go .. one day!
Wow…no more late night caffine for you – laugh.
Great story.
I'm so glad I wasn't there. That would have been muy uncomfortable.
Maybe she'll think twice next time before she freaks out on someone just trying to do her job!
heee heee… A few goodies from target = $50… Rachel's target lady story = priceless!!! I hope the base security isnt called for me cracking up so bad in my Clu. Great post!! Thanks!!!
Wow – I hate it when people do that sort of thing! It's not as if the poor cashier can help it, you know? I'm sure they just LOVE dealing with people who treat them like garbage!
oh my! what is with people?? lol, i like your final insult though. ;] she totally deserved it.
geeze. people can be so rude! ๐
oh, and about the staple-free stapler thing…lol, i saw it in this gadget catalog one time and decided i needed one last week (??) and i found this one.
…yeah. haha i tend to buy silly things, but i figure, if you're going to buy something functional, it mights as well be cute too.
(here's where the “don't judge” thing comes in perfectly)
Good for you!!! What a biznatch.
I can't believe you!! I love it. She totally deserved that, and I wish I had had the nerve to do that on a couple occasions!
Good on you! I just don't get people sometimes. But at least the lady didn't catch on!!
SO FUNNY!! I literally laughed out loud! Good for you!
oh my god, your responses had me dying laughing…”You're such a b****! Your children hate you and your husband doesn't love you anymore!!”
That is def. my favorite, and I need to use that at some point in my life ๐
You're awesome!
Bee sucks!
I'll bet you she's never been snippy i line again.
That was just *awesome* ๐