Lately I can think of a gazillion reasons to skip the gym:
Illness. Headache. All-nighters with Ari. Pure exhaustion.
But in reality, only one thing will bring my pre-baby shape back: exercise.
[sidenote: Because I’m breastfeeding, limiting calorie intake isn’t an option. More on that another time.]
And as I was feeling exhausted and sorry for myself early yesterday morning [and by early I mean 2:30 am] I happened across a friends recent blog post about finding the motivation to exercise.
I was up with a teething baby, which has been the case a lot as of late. All I wanted to do was to crawl back into bed for a few minutes, even though I knew that no matter how many times I would hit snooze, I’d still be exhausted; even though I knew that when I manage to drag myself to the gym I feel a hundred times better.
If only I could just get there.
So I drag myself there.
Because there will always be plenty of reasons to skip a workout.
And I know that even if I can only get 30 minutes in, I’ll feel better, more energized, just for showing up.
So I’ve been managing to psych myself into working out.
But everyday, every workout, is a struggle. Well, at least the beginning is.
Lucky for me, my goals are bigger than my excuses.