Guys. GUYS. I have a preschooler. My heart hurts and is, simultaneously, so overjoyed. What are these feelings!? Ugh!
OK, so this weekend was, simply, lovely.
Saturday Miss Bea woke up early (of course), and we ended up taking a nap by 8am. We woke up just in time to get ready to go to the Akron Zoo as they opened. Surprisingly, the zoo wasn’t busy at all. The weather was absolutely gorgeous! Zero humidity. No warmer than like 80 degrees. Just absolutely amazing.
We met up with some friends and their two kids. Ari gets so excited whenever there are “friends” for him to play with. The girls, just a tad bit older than him, quickly took him under their wing and helped to escort him from exhibit to exhibit. I wore Remy in the ErgoBaby and she was content.
It was great catching up with friends we haven’t seen in nearly ages (it’s Chad’s best friend from high school — we’ve seen him since high school lol. But it’s been about a year).
We all went to bed at 7:15pm Saturday night and it was glorious!
Sunday was completely low-key. I mean, like, everyone took naps, and I went on a trip to Target. That’s it.
But Monday we woke up and went to the apple orchard. Honestly, I keep remembering “our last family outings” and they were basically a year ago. Sure, we’ve done things here and there over the last year; but since I was pregnant and Remy was born we’ve kinda been in hibernation mode (thanks to sickness and then a super awful baby). So it feels like we were *just* at the apple orchard when, in reality, it was a year ago…
We walked through the orchard, tasted peaches and apples, and eyed up the pies. We ended up getting home before it got too hot and spending the rest of the day napping and prepping for our first day of school!
That’s right. Tuesday was not only my first day of teaching gymnastics to the preschoolers at the Y for the Fall, but it was Ari’s very first day of preschool! He’s going to preschool at the Y two days a week. And each day during his class he gets swim lessons built in! Bonus!!
Dude had no reservations whatsoever. And was totally in teenager mode when it came to me asking for a picture. Insert toddler eyeroll and refusal to smile!
I didn’t cry nearly as much as I expected to as I dropped him off. Then again, I didn’t really have an opportunity to. I was so busy getting the gym ready for classes myself! When I picked Ari up after preschool he had, like, zero to report. Seriously? Such a threenager!! “How was school?” “Good.” “Anything exciting happen??” “No.”
It turns out, he did go swimming (and he liked it!) and he sang a new (to him) song! So see? Exciting things did happen in preschool. He just failed to report them — initially!
Aaaand now this blog post is coming during yet another weekend. Ugh. I just cannot be caught up on life. Or sleep. Or my DVR. 🙂 But for serious, friends… have a good weekend!