It’s been a hard week, y’all. I’ve been writing and writing and writing. I just can’t seem to hit “publish.” And maybe it’s best that way. Maybe it’s best to just sit on our thoughts…
But yesterday I broke my silence. After many tears, and in the process of mourning, I finally made some decisions. I decided that I don’t want to remain quiet any longer. I’ve always considered myself to be progressive, but I’ve finally acknowledged that I am, indeed, a feminist.

And, through months and months of arguing with people during the campaign, I finally opened up civil dialogue about my thoughts and feelings. I summed it up in this post…
Some may think, “Really? You *had* to unfriend them??”
And, to that, I answer, YES. Yes, I had to. I am so done. If they can’t engage in civil discourse then there is no need for me to engage with them; and there is no need for me to remain acquaintances with them. Heck, I just had to distance myself from a (not very close) family member!
Done and done!

- Supporting all of my LGBTQ friends — and letting them know that I am an ally.
- Seeking out and truly getting to know my local politicians — and getting involved in local movements I can get behind!
- Get 1000% more involved in my local community in general.
- Standing up for women. I’m no longer going to be a closet-feminist. Ya know why?? Bitches get stuff done!
- Speaking out about the fear that women go through on a daily basis.
These are just a few things I plan on doing. Seriously. This list will grow. So be warned, friends. I hope you’ll stay with me on this journey. It’s a journey of acceptance, love, and moving forward. xo
PS. You don’t have to be a HRC supporter to support the above quote from her concession speech yesterday.