It’s a girl!
I can’t keep it a secret any longer! I know I said we weren’t going to find out the gender of this baby, but at that 20 week anatomy scan I started having second thoughts. I text Chad and said “I think I want to know.” He, of course, couldn’t be there for that appointment and gave his blessing for me to find out for us. But I still waited. I had the ultrasound technician write it down and put it in an envelope for us.
I could barely contain myself to wait til Chad got home from work. Chad was convinced we were having another boy, but I really wanted another girl. I mean, we already have one of each, but I just have grown to love the sass of a little girl.

It’s been getting harder and harder to keep it a secret, especially when you have a 5 year old who is willing to tell everyone, “I’m having another baby sister!” Ha.
I haven’t bought anything new for baby number 3, with the exception of her first pair of Freshly Picked moccasins! I just couldn’t wait to get her first pair of shoes!

Stay tuned for a Freshly Picked giveaway. In the meantime, thanks to Freshly Picked for gifting these moccs for little number 3!