Again, I have to say it… Northeast Ohio is simply amazing. There is so much to do, so much to see, and so much to be involved in! While this can be found within so many groups and hobbies here in Ohio, it’s especially true of the yoga community.

Next Sunday, November 22nd, yogis from all over our region, will gather at the University of Akron field house for a sweaty vinyasa practice, speakers, and an after party complete with food trucks, games and DJ Nino!

- Parking. Parking is available in lot 10 directly behind the building.
- Arrive Early. Music, day-of check-in and yoga mat parking starts at 4:30PM. The festivities promptly at 5:00PM with a special speaker followed by our vinyasa class.
- Bring Cash. Hello? Food trucks galore!
- Limited Mat Rentals. So be sure to bring one!
- Packet Pick-Up. Event organizers urge you to attend packet pick-up at the lululemon Akron showroom on Friday, November 20th from 11:00AM-6:00PM or Saturday, November 21st from 10:00AM to 2:00PM. Pre-ordered tees and tank tops will also be distributed during these designated times.
See you there! xo