This week will be a week of transitions, for SURE! While I can’t wait for Baby Girl to get here, I’m also kinda ready to have just Moosh for one last Christmas. Circumstances have… changed, to say the least, over the last week. For one, I’m now unemployed. Without going into nitty gritty details (and because I’m trying to focus on moving forward and focusing on the sadness I feel about the situation isn’t going to do me or anyone else any good), it’s causing some… feelings. And stress.
So this week, I’ll just be focusing on the holiday… getting ready with Moosh by making cookies, doing crafts, etc. And soaking it all up. I also have some unexpected time to get my ducks in a row before Baby Girl arrives in just a few weeks. So my to-do/nesting list is suddenly miles long!
I’m grateful that when one door closes another one opens, right?
I’m content knowing that people, situations, and circumstances are fluid. Everything changes; nothing is permanent.
I wish I could eat a burrito, a Swensons hamburger, and a Krispy Kreme donut all at once. Or even one at a time. I just can’t eat much. Still. But gosh, the cravings are coming on strong right now!
Happiness is being in the Christmas spirit! A toddler makes that so easy. He’s SO pumped about Santa coming! ♥
Mantra of the week: