It’s been a week, y’all. I know I say that a lot, but we just can’t seem to catch a break with illnesses, and crazy work schedules, and whatnot… I’d like to say that I’m ready for the weekend. But that, too, is kinda busy.
But I’m going to share a few of my Friday Favorites from this week!
Favorite read: This article from Scary Mommy really struck a chord with me this week. No, I’m not particularly depressed at the moment; but as someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression for most of their life in some way (mostly anxiety), this really hit home.
Favorite sip: I’m absolutely loving the Dunkin Donuts Girl Scout Cookie flavors that are out right now — especially the samoa flavor!
Favorite eat: I admitted earlier this week that we have been eating a lot of freezer food, so my pregnant mind has been wandering a lot about an upcoming date night we have planned. I can’t wait to eat a grown up meal!
Favorite link: Shameless plug, but I recently wrote my first article for the Cleveland Plus Blog and it went live last week! Check it out here.
Favorite place: We’ve been spending a lot of our free time (ha!) at Café O’Play. Their Spring season pass has been an awesome way to get out of the house for just a couple of hours, and we’ve been taking full advantage of it!