The only constant in life is the fact that nothing is constant, am I right???
Well in a recently vague blog post I mentioned that I was making changes for a better me in 2014, and one of those things involves an upcoming change — my job.
I’ve had a steady job with the telecommunications industry since I was in college back in 2005. Circumstances and job roles have changed over the years, but the company has remained a constant in my life.
I’ve been in sales; I’ve been in operations; I’ve been a trainer; and then back to sales and then back to operations again.
Sometimes the money aspect of sales is appealing. Other times I find myself wanting to be back in operations again. Most of these changes mean a change in pay. Up and down, then up again, and down again.
But I am forever grateful for a company that keeps me employed and that allows me to move around in my job title as I desire.
Although I love my current role and the friends I’ve made, it’s time for a change.
More like an overhaul.
For one, I’m going back to a commissioned sales position.
And my hours will be changing to afternoons 4 days a week, plus Saturdays.
Basically I’ll be making better money plus I’ll have more time during the days to spend with Ari! That’s right, because I’ll be on afternoons, we won’t have to take Ari to the sitter as often.
These are pretty much my main reasons for taking the new position. And sure I could point out plenty of cons for taking this new job.
But overall, this is what I need to do for myself and for my family right now.
Starting next Monday, I’m changing it up. It’s likely not a permanent change, but nothing ever is. 🙂
I’m just rolling with the punches over here.
xo, friends.