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I’m linking up with Shannon from Life After I Do again this week, to say…
- our house is a completely disaster. I know I can only keep up on so much right now.
After working 10-hour days non-stop for the last couple of weeks, I’m kind of over it all.
- I’m only home for 2-minutes before I’ve stripped down and put PJs on.
- I keep peaking at our Babies R Us registry to see what fun items I can expect at our shower in a few weeks.
It’s not like I’m not familiar with what’s on the registry!
- I’ve been eating Stouffers Pizzas for lunches every day this week. They’re easy + I’m tired.
- my to-do list has gone by the wayside for the week. Things will get done when they get done.
- it’s clear to everyone that I’m over their nonsense right now. I’m not exactly trying to hide it. Over.It.
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?
My house is a mess too, I’m blaming it on the wedding.
I think its okay to peek every now and then at your registries but not all the time. I had a friend already planning what was going to be returned before she was even gifted it. She ended up returning everything for gift cards. To each their own!
That’s crazy! I definitely don’t want to return ANY of our stuff! It’s all stuff we wanted/needed anyways. 🙂 I just got excited cause I saw a few items we desperately needed (and I’ll admit, i was worried about whether or not we would get them) were purchased. This baby has brought out the excessive obsessive compulsive in me. I feel the urge to plan x 100. LOL
OMG – I looked on my registry ALL the time – for the baby showers and the wedding!! hehe 🙂
ok, so what is wrong with changing into your pj’s right when you get home? I think a grand majority of women do this! it’s all good! enjoy it!!
I’m the same way when I get home….bra off, jammies on!