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I’m linking up with Shannon from Life After I Dew to say SO WHAT if…
- I now measure Ari’s weekend naps in “this many” episodes of Pretty Little Liars. I wish it was 2 episodes, but it’s usually only 1. Child needs to learn to nap!
- my late night at Ohio Blogging Associations Whole Foods chocolate and wine pairing has me completely exhausted today.
- I cried during the Budweiser clydesdale commercial on Sunday.
- I also cried a little when I realized my local Starbucks was sold out of the Casi Cielo K-cups. Boo. 🙁
- this morning I woke up way later than I planned. Like, an hour later. Oops.
- we haven’t been taking nearly as many pictures of Ari since I started back at work. Truthfully, weekdays have been a lot crazier than I ever expected them to be.
- we are loading up our social schedules lately. This weekend we are going to the Home + Garden show at the IX Center and I’m beyond excited. It feels so great to get out and do things!
Your weekend sounds fun! I’m taking this weekend OFF from life. Just vegging, vegging, vegging. But I’ll be ready to get out and socialize more the following weekend for sure 🙂 Have fun! And I hope your weekdays get a little less hectic.
I teared up during that commercial too….
Stopping by from So What Wednesday!!
Ramblings of a Suburban Mom