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I’m linking up with Shannon from Life After I Dew to say…
- I spent most of my weekend in comfy clothes. It was just what I needed.
- Ari spent most of the weekend in PJs too. We really had no reason to get dressed.
- we bailed on our fancy pants dinner plans at Noodlecat and went to the most awful Mexican restaurant of all time. It was our first date night away from Ari and my aunt was watching him. Well when we dropped him off, he was screaming bloody murder. And we no longer wanted to go far.
- my excitement during the Golden Globes was like the excitement some people get during major sporting events — I was cheering, screaming, and clapping like a fool.
- I really love dramas like Homeland and the Newsroom for the political back story.
- sometimes I think the only appropriate answer to a question is “Your mom.” And it’s pretty much the answer to every work question. 🙂
“Hey did you do such and such?” “No but your mom did.” I know, we’re so mature.
- today is Ari’s first day with the sitter and I’m not at all nervous or sad about it. In fact, I’m excited to finally find an everyday routine! Even if that routine means starting my day at 4:30 am!
Routines ate the best thing ever, I am such a planner and hate not having one.
Weekends in your pajamas really are the best. Kind of like weeknights, when I get home from work and the first thing I do is change into my pajamas. It’s not like I’m going anywhere other than to bed a few hours later!
Pretty sure “Your mom” has been your reply to questions and/or statements for YEARS!!!