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Happy Wednesday! I’m linking up with Shannon from Life After I Dew to say…
- I’m majorly excited that this is my last Wednesday of work before maternity leave.
- I cried while listening to This American Life podcasts while working yesterday. Hormones, hormones, hormones, people!
- I have had zero tolerance and patience for anyone/anything the last couple of days. I’m fine when I’m at home, but put me in public? Oy. Pregnancy rage to the extreme. I’ve told Chad that he should keep me away from the general public.
- I woke up at 4:30 am this morning to organize our pantry and front closet. So, yeah. That was fun. Thanks, baby boy, for waking me up early. It’s definitely helping my nesting tendencies. 🙂
- I’ve been dreaming of skinny jeans. And cute, over-sized, striped shirts. Sigh. I would love to fit into a cute fall outfit right about now. But that’s not to say I’m not savoring this baby bump while it’s here. Cause I know it won’t be around for much longer.
- we have our 39 week OB appointment this morning and I’m nervous about it. Not sure why I’m nervous, but I am.
- it’s two days until my birthday and it totally doesn’t feel like it at all these days. I mean, yes we went out to dinner at Hodge’s the other night; but dealing with all of these ‘baby is coming’ feelings and emotions has me all mixed up.
- I realize that every.single.bullet point mentions something pregnancy related. That’s just where my mind is these days!
What are you saying SO WHAT to this week?
I have some pretty extreme pregnancy rage too. I feel like I should be wearing a sign to warn people what they’re in for if they come too close to me!
LOL I’m glad I’m not alone!! 🙂 I seriously feel like people should know that you don’t want to mess with a pregnant chick. And they just don’t. Their loss! 😛