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- I’m over-the-moon happy that there are signs of fall popping up all around me:
long sleeve weather,
Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back,
and Halloween candy is being sold in stores already.Months ago, when people were talking about fall, I was all
“Yay fall is my favorite season; but I’m not quite ready for Baby L, so please stay away.”
But nowadays, I’m all
“Bring it on, fall!”
- Speaking of fall and Baby L,
not only will he be here soon, but I’ll have my favorite months of the year off to spend with my new little guy!
- The highlight of my week was going to bed early last night and getting in my PJs at 7PM.
Don’t judge.
- My favorite part of the weekends are waking up just a little bit before everyone else and cleaning the whole house.
- I’m hoping to get tons done from my to-do list. At this point, it’s really not an option.
We’re running out of time. And I’m going to be crazy busy at work next week.
- I really hate rebates.
With the exception of eBates, that is.
Most of the time, taking the time to get all of the necessary documents together,
make copies, and send it in, is such a pain in the butt.
Not even worth it.
I sent out for a contact rebate weeks ago. And I just got notification that I’m missing a piece of documentation.
Grr. At this point, I’m getting this dang rebate.
Rachel W
I’m so happy for fall too!! I just want the weather to stay cool now!
And yes, rebates are so annoying, but not ebates!
I am so happy that it’s fall but man did it get here fast!
fall is the best! i love opening the windows and wearing my warm comfy clothes with at blanket and watching great tv shows or a movie….nothing like it!!!