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- Yesterday Chad left for a boys weekend, of sorts. Which means this mama had the night to herself! And what did I do?? Go wild and crazy, of course! That’s right… I cleaned the house AND kept a fire going… all while watching trashy Real Housewives on the DVR. Wild and crazy, right!?
- I had plans for today but we kinda got snowed in. #BabyAri and I left this morning to run one errand and it ended up taking nearly an hour round-trip. In.SANE! It was crazy dangerous and I had a few mini panic attacks. But we made it back. Just in time to put Ari down for his morning nap. Once he fell asleep, I had to work on starting a fire (my first!) and getting my car up the driveway (which took an hour…).
- Ari was hilarious today. He had a few naughty moments, which warranted time-outs. But every time he went into time out, I would avoid looking at him. And then I look over and he’s smirking and thinking it’s HYSTERICAL. Which made me laugh and then time out was just a waste…
- I found a hidden bottle of sparkling rosé in the pantry tonight. I not-so-elegantly paired it with a few homemade Gluten Free Chocolate Chip cookies that Ari and I made earlier. It was a lovely end to this crazy snow day!
- I spent 2.5 hours and $200 at the eye doctor yesterday. It was painful (in many ways) but I’m super excited to have my annual eye exam behind me. And excited that I’m getting a new pair of glasses (first pair in 10 years!) plus gas permeable lenses — which are new to me! As someone who’s worn soft lenses since she was 12, this is a big change! When I told my eye doctor that friends would say “oh no, I get it — my eyes are real bad….” he said that they had nothin’ on me! Ha! Are you eligible for lasik?? I’m like the only person on the planet that isn’t. He said I’m eligible for visual prosthesis in my late-40s, early 50s. That’s right…. Eye transplant. LOL. So yeah, I’m blind, folks. And a hundred bucks says I’m more blind than you. #IWin #ButILose
- Ari loves to vacuum with me. I swear if the kid could talk he’d say that the highlight of his day was getting in the Baby Bjorn and vacuuming with me. Ha!
- I didn’t have a chance to paint my nails during my doctor extravaganza yesterday, so I painted them today during Babycakes first nap. Not perfect, but good enough for a first shot!
- I’m actually kind of nervous about my first day in my new position on Monday. I mean, I’m ready but I’m nervous. Weird!
love that last picture of you two, too cute!