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Being a mom means that 99% of the time I’m running on caffeine and pure adrenaline. Which is awesome — during the day. But at night? At night I actually want to sleep.
The struggle is real, friends. At night I try to go from SuperMom to Sleeping Mom in .2 seconds (to maximize rest, of course). But it’s way easier said than done.
To-do lists, plans for the next day, and other thoughts pop into my head — “Wait – did I put the clothes in the dryer?” — hurries downstairs to move clothes from washer to dryer — back to questions running through my head as I lay in bed.
It’s pretty much the worst feeling ever. Scratch that — making it through a day without sleep? THAT is the worst feeling ever.
I’ve tried it all: With each of them, I can’t wake up the next day. And I don’t feel rested whatsoever. Haze for days!

True, these late-night bursts of inspiration are absolutely helpful to the creative process. And I am forever grateful for them. I will always keep a pen and paper next to my bedside — when inspiration (or, let’s face it – a to-do list item) comes up, I’m going to be ready for it! But it’s also incredibly helpful as busy, working moms, to have the ability to just “turn it off” and rest for a few hours.
And friends? It’s TOTALLY OKAY to have a brain that doesn’t shut off. But you should definitely be able to let your mind rest and prepare for the upcoming day. Right!?

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I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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