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I have a four year old and a 10-month old… It’s not real until I say it out loud, right? I mean, in just two, very short, months, my little firecracker of a baby will be ONE. It’s time to start planning her first birthday party!
In the meantime, let’s do a 10-month recap, shall we?
- Standing. So much standing. Well, she’s pulling herself up and standing, but she’s not yet walking around furniture or anything. Thank God!
- If she’s not giving you RBF (resting bitch face), she’s laughing. But there is no in between with this chick. There are just two extremes. The RBF is strong, friends. But so are the giggles.

- Little Miss eats all of the things! Teething crackers, apples, pickles, chicken, rice, beans — all of it! Every time I’m eating, she’s reaching for my food. So I’m (finally) giving it to her. With Ari, we did baby-led weaning. But with Remy, I’ve just been too ‘busy’ with Ari to have the focus to do BLW. I’m just being pulled in far too many directions. Ha!
- She’s been shaking her head ‘no, no, no,‘ and mimicking things that we do.
- The babbling is a bit more clear. Lots of ‘Mama,’ ‘Dada,’ ‘ball,’ and ‘hi!’ I’m happy.

- She is totally nosy, paying so much attention to everyone who’s speaking. And she absolutely turns to listen to her name. But it’s funny because she responds much faster if you say “Bea,” or “Remy Bea.”
- Baby-proofing is in full swing around here! We have a wood burner that we use in the winter and, just yesterday, we used it for the first time. But we had to put the gate up around it first! And guess who already tried pulling herself up on the gate?? Sigh. This little stinker, man! I swear!

- She is my sidekick. Yes, I take both kids with me to work; but I take Remy Bea everywhere with me. Everywhere. When I go and meet the girls? Miss Bea joins me. When I go to the store? Miss Bea joins me. When I do anything… Miss Bea joins me. Seriously. I would say she’s tied to my hip; but she’s actually tied to my front! Ha!

- We’ve had a couple of good nights of sleep. I’ve been hesitant to say anything, but girlfriend has been sleeping better-ish. Besides that one fluke of a sleeping through the night episode, we haven’t had much luck. But she is definitely doing better. She only wakes up about 2 times a night. Hoooooray!
- We are knee-deep in antibiotics yet again. This time, for a bout of bronchitis. It’s been a mega bummer (and somewhat scary, at times). And, because of that, we’ve had yet another doctor appointment. It turns out, she lost weight. Yep. She’s down to 15 lbs 2 oz. The doctor doesn’t seem too concerned since she’s sick. So I guess I’m not concerned either? Yeah, I guess not. (Real talk: I am.)

The days are still really, really, long, friends. But I’m nearly at that light. You know the one — the one at the end of the tunnel. It’s so bright and I’m so close! I can just feel it!
Hahah our littlest girl, one of our twins, is the queen of the RBF too! What a sweet girl you have:)
Ha! It’s their cross to bear! 🙂 🙂 LOL