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I’m finally over the flu! It’s been a rough seven to 10 days of it, but I’m officially over it! And since our house was riddled with illness over the holidays, I decided to keep life as low-key as possible. And it has been marvelous!
Our post-Christmas life has been a buzz with the excitement of new toys (for Moosh) and pajamas (for Mama)! And we have spent approximately 99% of our time at home enjoying these new gifts.
For serious.
And I’m not ashamed or mad about one second of it!
For New Years Eve my mom (Ari’s Mimi) came up from Kentucky to hang out with him for the whole day while Chad & I worked. And for the actual EVE itself, we ordered pizza and watched a movie. Me, Chad + Mimi just hung out. Surprisingly, we made it to midnight. And our lackluster celebration of the hour was just what we all needed.
And so was the sleeping in til 10 am (thanks Moosh!) the next day! In fact, we slept in so late that we were nearly late for our lunch date with Ari’s GrandparAunts (Mimi’s sisters)!
Other than our lunch date, we did nothing New Years Day. We napped, we lounged, we ate leftovers… and we soaked in the first few hours of 2015.
Friday we woke up super late. Again. And before we could eat our leftovers from the previous meals, we headed out for yet another lunch date! We met my moms other sister, Mooshie’s Grandma Dee, for lunch. It was craziness. Two of the loudest Italian women I know + a restaurant full of people + a cranky toddler + FaceTiming family in Portland = a hilarious trainwreck. Ha.

Bonus? I scored some new cups from Crate + Barrel to match our new plates for less than TEN DOLLARS. Holler.
Friday night we did more of the usual — relaxed in PJs and watched movies on the couch.
On Saturday we had a big date day planned! Part of my Christmas present to Chad was a couples massage at a local spa, Solaire, in Hudson. Grandma Dee was willing to hang with Moosh for the day while we went on our date. The couples massage was … not relaxing. Ha! I realize that I had some knots to work out, but I was hoping for a more relaxing setting; not a deep tissue massage. Oh well. It was still nice.
Post-massage we went to an early lunch at Peachtree Southern Kitchen and Cocktails. We were pretty much the only people there, which was fine with us!
My dad is from Memphis originally and, according to my tastes, I’m pretty much a southern girl. I was anxious to try the Chicken Liver Pate, but Chad said he preferred the Spicy Chicken Cracklins.

By today, Sunday, we knew we had to get Moosh back on some sort of schedule. I decided yesterday that I would skip my run with my running partner and just run whenever I could. No schedule. No pressure. Just do it on my own time. So we slept in. Moosh seemed normal, for the first time in days. And while I was on my way to the gym to get in a run, I decided to hit the trails instead. The weather was perfect for running. The downpour of rain we’ve had the last 48-hours stopped. Sure, the Towpath was a bit muddy, but I managed to fit in nearly 6 miles to get myself on track for my week-late start to marathon training!
So the holidays were rough. But they also turned out exactly the way we needed them to.
Seriously. Don’t underestimate the need to disconnect from technology and just REST. If you think you need it, YOU DO. Turns out the digital world is right where I left it. I missed nothing monumental while I was unplugged. In fact, I caught up on things that ARE important. 🙂 2015, you’re going to be great. I can feel it.
And I’m ready. Bring it. XO.
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