I’m in a war. It’s a Facebook war. It’s me versus the super religious. I didn’t mean to start this war. It just kind of happened. Now this person is saying that they feel wonderful because they know that Jesus is the way. That’s great. But the way for what? I think I’m doing just fine without using the same crutch. Let’s remember, people, these are my views. That doesn’t mean that I frown on all the religious of the world, but that does mean that I am OK without having your savior in my life. I am fine. I don’t need you to pray for me; I don’t need your criticism or your judgment; CHILL OUT RELIGIOUS PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. No, you cannot save my soul. And yes, I realize I may suffer eternal damnation. That is my problem. Work on your own issues.
I’m wondering how people who refer to themselves as Christians feel they have the right to pass judgments on other people. It’s not that I’ve never believed, because I have. But at this point in my life I’m under the impression that no single group of people has it right. That being said, I don’t think I have to believe in a single prophet to be a good person.
I’m not saying it’s wrong for you to believe. That is everyones personal choice. But I do not need a book or prophet to tell me that it’s immoral to pass irrational judgments because I question the validity of a SINGLE RIGHT religion.
So, could you please tell the woman who “feels sorry” for me for not having Jesus to shove it?!? I was raised Roman Catholic, made a decision, and will hold only myself responsible for my eternal damnation.
— Post From My iPhone
Happy Monday
Happy Monday! I feel like I got a lot done this weekend, which is motivating me to get a lot done this week as well.
My excitement for being motivated, however, has quickly been trumped by my co-workers inability to function at their jobs. If you are paid more than me and work in the same department, I shouldn’t have to tell you how to do EVERYTHING. Part of the deal is, you should already be able to do your job. Grr.
Still breathing.
Last night was great 🙂
You cried, and you cried, and you cried wolf.
I’m holding on tight.
Going to the Cleveland International Film Festival Pre-Party tonight at the Akron Civic Theater. I think Cristin and I are going to make it tradition! Unfortunately last year I didn’t actually make it to Tower City to see any of the films. Oh well. This year? Hopefully.