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September is already upon us and the school year is back in full swing! Moms everywhere are already tired of packing lunches, helping with homework, and scrambling for outfits every morning.
But the thing is is that the end of the school year will be here before we know it. And then another Summer will fly by. Then we’ll be starting another school year. And soon enough, those kids we were sending off to kindergarten will be graduating high school. It will all happen before we know it.
As a parent still struggling with their own student loan debt, I knew I wanted to set my own children up for success from the start. So Chad and I started a 529 Plan for Ari when he started school.

What is a 529 Plan?
A 529 Savings Plan is a lot like a 401k. It’s an easy, tax-friendly way to save for your children’s higher education. Ohio’s 529 Plan can be used across the country for 2-year and 4-year programs as well as technical schools.
Ohio’s 529 plan makes it incredibly easy to open and start saving for the future. They offer tools like the College Savings Planner to help you figure out how much your investment will impact your students’ future education. You can also check out this Cost Of Waiting Tool to see just how inaction can negatively impact your higher education finances.
Right now my first grader wants to be a YouTuber. But, heck, at his age I wanted to be a singer. Things change… quickly. In 5 years he may want to be a doctor or even a welder. Who knows.
But I do know that he will have options. He can decide whether a two or 4-year school is in his cards. He can decide if a trade school will be best for him.

It’s so easy to get started.
There are only a few things you truly need to start Ohio’s 529 plan.
- Your ID, social security number, telephone number, address, your date of birth, and your mothers maiden name.
- The telephone number, social security number, address, and date of birth of your successor (someone to take over the account should something happen to you).
- And lastly, the date of birth, telephone number, address, and social security number of the person you’re saving for.
That’s it. Easy peasy, right? Exactly.

So why wait?
Don’t. Give your children the tools they need to be successful. Engage them in learning and nurture their passions. But also provide them with the financial support they will need in the future, now.
Click here to get started with your very own Ohio 529 Plan.

That’s such a great idea to start early savings
PS: I love the new design of the site.
The earlier to invest in our children’s future, the better. Gives us both parents and kids leeway in every aspect.
This is true. Why wait? there’s a lot of ways to invest in our kids future a small portion won’t hurt. Thanks for sharing!
Interesting post for the ones with children x
Good plan for kids. Well here in India also we have such savings plan for kids. It is good to plan early as the benefits will be more later.
We started one of these for each of our kiddos when they were born! It’s such a great program!
so cute of your little darling to want to be a youtuber. but seriously, yee, better to save and invest for the kids’ future.
I have a 529 plan for each of my children and I had them for years. I believe the earlier the better. a
First I love knowing what your children want to be in the future. Youtuber! lol. And second, a saving plan is always a great investment so why not!
wow this is great way to save for higher education. Thanks you so much for the info.
Saving really is so so so important.
We didn’t with my oldest and he is a year away from varsity and we are stressing about what to do 🙁
Great Idea! You would think since I work in higher education I would’ve started one of these savings plans already but we have not! But it’s something we need to do because time goes so fast!
It is so wise for parents to start saving for their kids’ higher education right from the time they are younger. I know of people who are still struggling to clear those loans and oh my! It is work. Parents should really embrace this 529 Plan.
I think Louisiana has a version of this! Definitely a great idea to save for your child’s future!
Such a great idea! I work at a financial institution so I think it’s fantastic to see people saving for their futures.
Yes! All my boys have their own accounts and I love the fact that I am setting them up for financial greatness. I wish more moms knew this!
We have a 529 plan for our kids. I really hope it helps them pay for college.
This is my first time hearing of this but it sounds really great. I will have to do more research on it.
It’s never too early to invest in our kids future. I started as soon as mine turned 1. I might check out this 529 plan.
Such a wonderful idea. totally need to check this out. love this share.
This looks like a great future investment, Thanks for sharing, need to check it out!
Saving for your child’ Education is so important!! It can literally be the deciding factor in what school they attend or if they go to college at all! Never too early to start!
Since South Carolina taxpayers can deduct any amount they contribute to an SC 529 plan, as long as they have the income to deduct we will be contributing as much as we can to our grandchildren’s education needs.
YES! The sooner you start, the better!
Simple, straightforward and insightful! This really walks parents through the process in an easy to comprehend manner.
Saving for your kids’ future is such a wonderful gift to give them. It will make a huge difference in how they begin their adulthood. My student loan debt didn’t get paid off until I was 40!
It’s wonderful that they have tax free savings plans now for college, which is so important for families that can afford it, and hopefully can help others afford it. Saving early is paramount!
Im sure a lot of parents would find your post very useful and informative. Absolutely is a great way of saving for your kids education.
Sounds perfect to plan for child’s future
It is absolutely a must plan for the future of our kids. Me and my husband ensure that we have made the requisite plans for our child’s future.
This sounds like a brilliant idea. My parents never did anything like this for me so I know that I will want to open some form of savings account for my children.
This is great way to save for future. Thanks for sharing I will definitely going to check this
This is an amazing way to save for education for your kids!
I wish this had been an option for me when I was growing up so my mom could have did this for me… or if it was, I wish she had known about it. Lol Paying for college is no joke and those student loans are awful. Thanks for letting me know about this. I’ll share it with my friends that have children so that they can prepare for the future.
We have been thinking for a while to start in V 529 , have to get on this right away!
This is great information for parents that haven’t started saving for the kids college yet. Really hits us before we know it.
We really need to have a solid plan for college savings. This sounds like an awesome way to save up!
Great reminder! I think college savings plans are so important, that way our kids don’t have to worry about so much debt!
This is actually a good plan. Savings since the starting go a long way. Didn’t know about it. Would check for my little sister.
This is such a great idea. I love plans like this that help us save for the kids’ future.
This sounds like a nice plan and a really good to try! This will be really so helpful for the future
This is such a good investment for the future of the kids. We never know what the future brings so better plan ahead.
I love this! I have been looking for the right plan for my family so that we can start to save for our children’s education. I’m glad that I read this while they are still young enough to get one started.
This is a program that all parents need to look into. College is expensive and this is a good savings plan.
It’s never too early to open a savings account either for yourself or you kids. I’ve been saving for years, and as soon as I was 16 I opened my very own savings account in addition.
Great advice. It’s never a bad time to start but the sooner the better!
My father just told me that he had a 401k plan for my sister all this time. I wish he saved for me and my brother when we were little. ;( Paying for college would’ve been easier.
I don’t have children, but saving money for future education in the USA seems to be really important and it’s good to have a plan. Great that we don’t have such big problems with getting our school done here in Poland. 🙂
That’s such a good idea to start saving early. I’m planning on doing so when I start having kids.
Saving plans are a must for kids!