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How far along? 33 weeks + 4 days.
How big is the baby? He’s getting chunky! — According to, Baby Boy is between 4.2 to 5.8 pounds! Length is between 17.2 – 18.7 inches.
Total weight gain? Last checkup was 32 pounds. I’m sure there will be a couple few more by next weeks appointment.
Stretch marks? They’re increasing in number + intensity. I know that they are part of this whole pregnancy game, and I’m still taking the “not stressing” it route, but dang! — they are not fun to look at!
Sleep: What sleep? Ha. I’m not sleeping well. I’m tired during the afternoons and early evenings, but come 9PM, I cannot for the life of me get my butt in bed. Regardless of what time I go to sleep, I’m awake around 4 am for good. Somehow I function throughout the day, though.
Movements: He jabs and punches, but mostly I feel hiccups. Nonstop hiccups. It’s fun to know where his head is each time he has the hiccups {which lately has been a minimum of 4-times a day!}.
Food cravings: Water. And eggs. And, not gonna lie, Chipotle still.
Food aversions: Grilled chicken. I don’t see this one changing before this pregnancy is over.
What I miss: Being able to stand up and put pants/underwear on. It’s a serious challenge to bend down and put underwear on. I seem to always forget that there is a basketball between me and my legs. Oops.
What I’m looking forward to: Our shower is this weekend! I’ve been looking forward to this day for months!
Other notes: I got a haircut last night. I’ve officially started prepping things other than the nursery. Like, myself. I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that a haircut and ombre color is going to be nearly impossible with an infant. So check that off my pre-baby list! I’ve got a pedicure and waxing scheduled for 1.5 weeks before my due date. And, yes, that kind of waxing. Remember the whole “can’t put my underwear on” comment above? Well, everything is difficult these days!
you look adorable!!
Rachel, you look absolutely beautiful 🙂
As always, you look amazing and I hope that your shower is WONDERFUL!
Just BEAUTIFUL mama!! Such adorable pics. I look forward to them every week. I hope you have a FABULOUS time at your shower!!!!!!! I’ll have to send out my little gift for baby boy soon 🙂
Have a great shower, looking great girl!
You look so great! I hear you about the stretch marks :-/ When I mentioned them to my midwife, her only reply was “Welcome to womanhood!” They do fade and get better over time.
And you’re hair looks great! I remember doing all of my “getting ready” stuff pre-baby because I knew it would be awhile before I could take care of it once Joe was here 🙂
aw you look so cute! cannot wait to meet the little guy!