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How far along? 32 weeks + 4 days!
How big is the baby? Still weighing in between 2.5 β 3.8 pounds and between 15.2 β 16.7 inches long. Measurements, even with ultrasounds, have about a 2-pound margin of error. So even when you think the weight is accurate, it really is just a guess.
Total weight gain? 32 pounds! Eek! I’m trying not to let it freak me out too much. I gained 5-lbs between my two week appointments. The doctors seem to think it’s normal, so I suppose I will too!
Stretch marks? The number of them around my belly button are increasing. Still not concerned.
Sleep: Increasingly hard to come by. Waking up about 4-times a night to pee. Also waking when I’m uncomfortable.
Movements: Still moving a lot. I love looking down and seeing my belly move while I’m sitting at work!
Food cravings: Chipotle. Like, wish Chipotle delivered, types of cravings. Like almost cried when I found out Chad ate Chipotle without me for lunch yesterday {and then totally made him go with me for dinner}.
Food aversions: Grilled chicken. I’m all good with the breaded chicken these days!
What I miss: Being able to paint my toes and shave my legs. Today my goal is to schedule a pedicure for right around week 39!
What I’m looking forward to: Finishing clearing out the nursery this weekend! And putting up the dresser so I can start putting his clothes away. I don’t know why, but I’m dying to do this!
Other notes: I’m starting to get nervous about preterm labor. I’ve had some light cramping and back pain about once or twice a day. I’ve heard it’s normal, but oh my gosh I do not want to have this baby a minute before October 9th!
As always you look so adorable, it would be neat if you and the baby shared a birthday π
You look great girl! π
i couldn’t imagine not being able to touch my toes!! and chipotle is the bomb pregnant or not! it should be available 24-7!!
you still look incredible!
Thank you! π And YES! Chipotle should be a 24-hour place for sure!! Ha! I bet they’d still be packed all the time, too!
Love it!! I think we look really similar π I was telling my sis how hard it is to shave my legs now a days and she wasn’t buying it! Are y’all getting so excited? We’re about to have a baby!! Did your doctor tell you it could be two weeks early or two weeks late?? Mine did! Freak me out!!
I’m getting excited for sure! π Once everything is ALL SET I’ll feel a lot better! Did you have your shower yet? Ours is this weekend! Yeah we learned in our Bradley Classes that the due date is such a crazy estimate that it could be anytime after 37 weeks through 42-43 weeks. And honestly? I’m SO not ready for him to be early! I’d much prefer if he came around week 41! π
You are just so cute! You are glowing. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and you get that pedicure you deserve! π