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This week I’m hoping for zero stress and beautiful weather!
I believe in the power of laughter!
I’m addicted to shopping online and am so tempted to buy a few high-priced item from
I wish for BF to move up here soon! I miss him so!
I’m jealous of people who are able to work out with no restrictions from their doctors.
Soundtrack/Mantra for the week: “Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” -Oprah {still the same. i love it oh so much!}
Domestic Goddess
love this! i swear most of my problems in life would be solved if i could just breathe and slow down! this is my mantra for the week bc i have a week break from grad school! yah!
have a good one!
Lil' Woman
Great mantra..I hope BF can get their soon and that your doc can lift your restrictions.
Everyday Adventures
Great quote by Oprah!!! i just got back from a nice walk at Onondaga Park! It stayed light out until about 630!! Spring is slowly approaching!!
i read “zero” and thought, “hmm…I'd like a diet coke.” hahaha!
Love the Oprah quote!
Simply Valorie
Oh, Oprah. I wish I could live by the things she said all the time, especially good things like that quote.
Love that mantra. So wise. Hope you have a great week!
Richard Boehmcke
I definitely order more food when I do my grocery shopping online (as I am waiting for my delivery currently) because I don't have to carry it, and I can take my sweet ass time and do my grocery shopping intermittently over the course of 3 hours instead of a short period of time. But this is bad for my budget. Not good. Nope. But then again, I love food, so I will go do some crunches in case whatever I ordered (i forgot) is not good for me. =)