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This week I have to work & I’m definitely not in the holiday spirit anymore. I’m so blah!
I believe in snow days. Today should be one of them.
I’m addicted to planning. And yes, this still includes budgeting.
I wish for safe travels for BF as he comes up to celebrate the new year with me mid-week!
I’m jealous of people who have this week off from work.
Soundtrack/Mantra for the week: 2010 is going to be a great year 🙂
{Photo: this morning, on my way to work. this is apparently “light” snow. ha}
& my holiday weekend update:
guess who forgot their laptop in Ohio?? THIS GIRL!
So the holidays were amazing. SO much fun. When I get my laptop back, I’ll have some pictures to post. I slept in a LOT this weekend. Which was FANTASTIC.
Christmas Eve I got to BFs family party at 4pm. He was supposed to be there, but got stuck working late last minute. So I went without him! It was so much fun! Until I was two blue martinis deep before 6pm and an hour before BF was supposed to arrive. Needless to say, I got a little tipsy.
Which left me a little hungover for Christmas day.
Christmas day we spent some time with my family & BFs mom. We ate a lot of food and relaxed. Then headed back to BFs house & did a lot of snuggling. I love snuggling (true story).
Let’s just say that today is semi-depressing. It’s snowing, I’m alone again, and I have to work. Blah!
So how was your holiday weekend?
I'm glad you had a great Christmas and YAY for a new laptop!!!
I am totally jealous of people that don't have to work this week but I'm spending my time here getting my new “planner” together for 2010. Well once I buy it that is. LOL!!!
I also wish for the BF to have safe travels!!!
We would call that a blizzard in the south!
glad you had a great holiday and a lil tipsy is never a bad thing….lol
It always sucks having to go back to work after so much fun time off but hey you are not alone, I'm here pretending to work 😉
Glad you had a great holiday weekend. And YAY for BF spending the new year with you! Can't wait to see the pics.
Martinis will do it every time. I never ever learn my lesson from drinking too many martinis.
You shouldn't be sad that you're alone, you should relish it! Some day you'll rarely be alone and long for some alone time!
I'm so glad that you had a great holiday! Try to focus on BF coming up mid-week – how exciting!!!!
I'm so glad that you had a great holiday! Try to focus on BF coming up mid-week – how exciting!!!!
I have the winter blahs too! I already want summer to come back and it's not even January yet… that is NOT good.
Glad you enjoyed your Christmas, I had a great one too!!