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My emotions have been all over the board this week — and it’s only Wednesday. And the more I stare at our calendar for the next couple of weeks, the more overwhelmed I get.
Between work schedules, t-ball for Ari, workout classes, and other obligations, I kinda just want to shut down. Yesterday I finally scratched off 4 outstanding items on my to-do list and it felt great! But I also added 6 more items to it. But baby steps, right? At least that’s what I’m telling myself.
I thought perhaps some of you may also be drowning in the weight of ‘adulting’ this week, so I’m sharing the mantra that I’m repeating over and over again to get me through this week:

Tell me — what tips do you have for when you start to get overwhelmed??
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I’ts like you reached into my brain and pulled out my thoughts! I am struggling this week too. Thanks for offering your words of encouragement! I hope your week gets better!! xo
Thanks for sharing this , it’s real and most women need a reminder that it’s OK to feel your emotions. As long as you don’t give in to negativity everything will be alright. I try to remind myself that I should not worry about things that I have no control over and if theres something I am worried about that’s in my control I try not to because I am in control of the situation . ❤️
GREAT TIPS!! I’ll take them into account, usually I have been feeling really overwhelmed. I quit my job couple of months ago to pursue my graphic design dream, some days are better than others but I’ll use your tips
I find I quit the most when I have the goal in front of my face and forget 1) the small steps to get there and 2) the much bigger, overall picture. Writing down the step-by-step actions that will help get me closer to my goal is what helps me the most. And taking it one day at a time for sure. I love the affirmations you have. “I will breathe. I will think of solutions.” I’ll have to remember this next time I’m overwhelmed. Thank you!
Yes! Those are GREAT tips! Baby steps. <3
I love this mantra. When I get overwhelmed, I have to remind myself to SLOW DOWN. Doing too many things too fast always makes it worse!!
Oh, mama, I am right there with you! I am so overwhelmed that I accidentally deleted 50+ blog comments that needed to be approved, deleted a blog post draft that was almost finished, then forgot to pay a bill. I wanted to cry! The end of the school year chaos paired with the activities of 4 kids plus blogging is really getting to me!
Great mantra! It’s never an option to quit. It may take longer than you want… but you’ll get it done. Never quit!
Absolutely love the positivity! You’ve got this Mama!
When I get overwhelmed I usually just have to start somewhere, if that makes sense. I sometimes get so overwhelmed that I freeze, but if I make a step forward (cleaning those dishes, making that call, running that errand) I see small progress and am encouraged to continue on.
Life with kids can be so overwhelming. I think you’re right. It’s not if we are going to fall, but when we do how we get back up and try again.
I’m looking at my calendar and feeling the same way lately… overwhelmed for the last few weeks and the next few weeks to come. I love that mantra – thanks for sharing it.
I hate how overwhelming life can get. Just remember to take it Day by day.
This is so perfect, considering the week of insane health related stress I’ve been dealing with!! One foot in front of the other. Thank you so much for sharing. x
Sometimes I just say f@#k it and pour a glass of wine
It is always amazing feeling when you can check off things on your to do list and you checked off more than one thing! Good job!