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Isn’t there a saying about how having set plans is setting yourself up for disappointment??
Well if not, there totally should be. Cause that’s life sometimes.
#DecFitChallenge Update!
I tried. I tried and tried and tried. And finally I gave up on Friday. I just could not hang with this sickness. I managed to fit in a short run on Thursday, but Friday was all about the gentle yoga stretches before bed.
Here’s a wrap-up of my epic-fail of a Saturday-Sunday-Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday = Healthy eating + lots of playing with and chasing the #BabyAri.
And that’s it.
I’m trying not to feel discouraged about my ‘unconventional’ workouts, but I promise I have been doing lots of Baby lifts & squats!
It helps that #BabyAri LOVES the “One, two, three… JUMP!” game.
Mamas arms love it too!
It’s hard letting go of my ego and embracing these new ‘workouts‘ for what they are.
But it’s reality, right!?
On a positive note, I just found out that we have P90X and a bunch of other
free workouts on the XBOX One!
Hooray! 🙂
Now if only I could wake up early to get a chance to work out.
Tomorrow my goal is to get out and hit the pavement. No matter how cold it is outside
(eek – it’s been zero degrees with wind chill!)
I WILL get out and get moving.
And I will embrace the “GO WITH THE FLOW” mantra!
Cause seriously — what other choice do we really have?!?
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