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Things we did this weekend: a lot.
Things we didn’t do this weekend: Go to the parade like I planned. Ya know why? Cause we have a kid that is down to sleep ’til 10. ‘Nuff said, friends.
In truth, as much as I want to take Moosh to a parade, I was OK with his decision to sleep late and allow us all some extra time to catch some z’s. Cause we’ve been busy, ya’ll!
Well here’s what we actually did do over the long weekend…
Saturday —
Mama & Moosh went to the Towpath for a nice walk. I had zero desire to run with him. It was a “let’s chill and take in this beautiful day,” kind of walk. And it was lovely. I don’t even mind that he decided to break my sunglasses when he grabbed them as I wasn’t looking.
This is exactly why I only buy cheap sunglasses. Thanks, Charlotte Russe!
Unfortunately, this mama had to work Saturday afternoon. But that’s OK. I had my eye on the prize — two days off in a row with my 2 fave guys! So I just powered through Saturday night.
Sunday —
Moosh woke up bright and early (8:30). Chad made gluten-free blueberry pancakes, and we played until it was time to go to the zoo. I knew it would be busy, considering it was a beautiful day and holiday weekend, but as members, it’s nice to be able to go just for a little while… not having to worry about ‘staying to see everything.’
And we stayed for about three things: 1. The penguins; 2. The stingrays; and 3. The Carousel. This kid loves him some carousel!
I went with him on his first carousel experience, but this time Daddy joined him. Which was fun because I got to capture some serious cheese on camera!
Post-zoo we grabbed some lunch and put Moosh down for a nearly three-hour nap (thank Jesus!). I should have just sat down and enjoyed the brief quiet moments, but I had chores to finish! Chores I had been seriously slacking on and putting off. As soon as I was finished with them, I made a cup of coffee and decided to sit down. The very moment I sat down, Moosh started to fuss in his crib. Of course, right!?
We ended up spending our entire evening on our deck… playing with the Stomp Rocket, planting flowers together, and helping dad shuck corn (and eating it, uncooked!). We even busted out the chalk for the first time! Such excitement on his face for everything. I love seeing the world through his eyes for the first time.
Monday —
The plan was to go to the parade at 9am. We would ride our bikes there, find our friends, and cheer on our sitter, Hannah, as she marched with the band. But that didn’t happen. Because everyone’s favorite baby slept, well, like a baby. (Hooooorray!)
So instead we woke up at 10. We ate leftover gluten-free pancakes; we watched Yo Gabba Gabba; and we took our time. Eventually Moosh & I went back to the towpath for a run. I’ve kind of given up on truly running with the stroller. Instead, I focus on interval running. Because pushing a stroller while running? Well, it sucks. Majorly.
But we finished our intervals. And then we stopped for a selfie! Ha! 🙂
The rest of our day, post-run & post-selfie, was spent busying ourselves around the house and playing outside in the yard. I heard this seasons first ice cream truck and I was so excited for Moosh to experience it for the first time. I’m pretty sure Chad thought I was excited for ice cream, but truth be told having been ‘off sugar’ for the last 2 weeks has helped cut out my cravings significantly! (Plus, if I’m going to “cheat” it’s going to be with GOOD ice cream! Ha!).
So Moosh got his first “Junior” pop! He let me hold it for a while, but then he wanted to take the reigns. He couldn’t quite grasp the concept of holding it by the stick. So yeah, it was messy. But that’s OK. 🙂
All-in-all it was the picture of perfection for our tiny family. Couldn’t have asked for a more amazing + low-key weekend! ♥
oh yay what a fabulous weekend! love it.