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Lately I’ve been having a few anxieties about moving away and having to deal with a long distance relationship for a bit. Today, out of nowhere… I lost it. We were at the grocery store picking up some things to make a fabulous dinner (see below), and I just started to cry. In the store. I mean really cry. At this point he smiled at me (I guess he thinks I look cute or something when I cry) and said “Aww (insert nickname that I won’t tell you here), I promise I will get there as quickly as I possibly can.”
This made me feel one hundred times better. But still, this week is going to be difficult. I’ll try not to get to sappy this week with my posts (ehh, can’t promise though).
And cause I know how much you all love lists, here are other things that made me smile today:
I woke up this morning next to my best friend.
Early morning yoga classes.
Weeding the garden.
Being crafty.
No line at the bank.
Hearing BF giggle (yes, giggle) while watching a movie last night.
And making kabobs for dinner with BF.
Oh! And staying in tonight with BF so we can watch a movie an drink yummy sangria.
Hope your Saturday is going well!
Sounds like a smart will all work out, you just have to have faith, right?
And, those kabobs look delish…and some sangria sounds pretty good right about now!
AW! You two are so cute!
aww you are too cute!! those kabobs look soo delish! sangria is my favorite, I'm jealous!
that sounds like a truly wonderful day 🙂
Awww sounds like a great day with your great man! 🙂
aww, he sounds like a great guy. sorry about the long distance thing, but it's great that you guys are willing to work it out(and those kabobs look YUMMY!).
i also get cynical and whiny, but i know it could always be worse, right? like, i worry about stupid things all the time but it's just me being silly in the end. don't worry. i'm sure you both will be fine. <3
Preparing for and dealing with separation is VERY difficult. I swear its like going through the 5 stages of grief. Sometimes you are fine and some times you are a HOT MESS!! Believe me, I understand, my husband and I have had a long distance relationship since November. Some days I'm happy, some sad, some just down right ANGRY. We usually even get to points where we fight about the littlest things for no reason (hopefully you skip that part). It is not easy, but it is well worth it. Hang in there and take it day by day, oh and most importantly STAY BUSY!! Its so much harder if your not busy!!
Sounds great. He seems like a great guy and I love that he giggled. Um and next time you guys have that for dinner, perhaps you need a third wheel, no?
= )
You are such an optimist. I really love reading your blog – its very uplifting. Even when you are feeling down.
i love early morning yoga classes xoxoxox
you'll get though it! it'll be tough but you seem very optimistic about the situation and that will only help! and ps those kabobs look so good! i'm so jealous
Aww BF sounds wonderful… I'm so jelly!!!
Oh my. I can't imagine how you're feeling, but we're totally here for support. I'll be thinking about you this week! Hang in there – like he said, he'll be there soon!
I'm thinking of you and definitely vent to us all you need to. 🙂 Oh…weeding the garden makes me happy too. XOXO