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Oh, hi! I promise I’m not just over here having babies and leaving you high and dry. I’m also living a relatively normal life — or at least trying to!
Here’s what we’ve been up to recently:
Bottoms Up Yoga at Sibling Revelry Brewing.
I jumped at the opportunity to meet up with some fellow Cleveland bloggers for an afternoon of yoga, beers, and laughs, courtesy of Bottoms Up Yoga at Sibling Revelry Brewing!

Sometimes you’ve just gotta put yourself out there and try to do something fun, even if the end result looks different from what you planned, right?!

I’m not a big shopper. I’m just not. But one of the events I most look forward to each month is the Cleveland Flea. Perhaps because it combines my love of Northeast Ohio with my love of finding unique items and food? Yep, that’s probably it!

I’ve been back to work for weeks now and it’s not all that bad. Mila is with me at all times and the bigger kids have the chance to play and get some energy out for a bit in a different environment. I start teaching cycling again in just a few weeks so our schedule will get even busier, but I’m anxious to get back into the swing of teaching again!
Prepping for Kindergarten.
Ari starts Kindergarten in a week. I’m so excited for him and anxious at the same time. Our school shopping is nearly complete and I have his teacher and room assignment! The only thing we have left to do is attend orientation!

Food Fridays al Fresco at Cascade Plaza.
So many amazing things have been happening in my city over this last year. There are so many events happening on a daily basis (oftentimes at the same time), I’m bummed I’m not able to make them all. Such is life with three kids, I suppose!

While searching for new places to take the kids, a friend suggested going to Edgewater Park and walking along the beach. It was a gorgeous day so I thought, why not?

In reflecting on all that we’ve been up to lately, I can confidently say that adding a third baby changed everything and yet changed nothing. We’re still doing our thing. We’re still living our lives. We’re still having fun, and working, and playing. It just looks a little different.
In what fun ways
have you been
exploring lately?
Looks like you have been staying busy and active. That yoga class looked like fun.
Wow. You all don’t slow down! Looks like you all have been staying busy with lots of fun things going on! Here’s to a great back to school season!
Okay, seriously, your summer looks amazing. An adorable baby plus all kinds of fun stuff!!
What a lovely family, your kids are adorable x
You’re doing great mama. Back to school schedules were so hard for me last year with a tiny babe. Good luck!
Absolutely loved this post. I have two boys but this is exactly what it looks like to be a mom! Loved your outings and all the fun stuff you do with your kids. Sweet life!
How fun! I have gone to a beer and yoga class like that before and may have to add that to my monthly activities list!
What adorable kiddos and it’s great that you can do that yoga class with your baby.
Back to school is no joke!! Hope it all goes well, you’re doing a great job!!
That donut looks yummy and your kids re totally adorable. Wishing you a great school year ahead.
You guys get to do the coolest stuff!! Also is that mac and cheese from a food truck?? Because OMG!!!
It looks like you’ve been up to a ton of stuff. Good for you for taking advantage of the summer before school starts. Also, those shells & cheese from the food truck look awesome!
It looks like y’all are having so much fun! I am sure balancing 3 kiddos is hard, but you look like you’re a pro at it <3
Wow your kids are adorable- looks like you are really mastering balancing life with kids!
Recently had my fourth baby, and man o man I feel ya!! Balancing is really hard sometimes, and I take it Day to day .
I sure can be hard, but you’re doing great!
So glad you’re still able to do all the things you were doing. And it looks like a pretty good life you have going on there! <3
awww I love all these photos! We are TTC for baby #3, and I’ve been wondering how other moms juggle everything so this was perfect for me!
You are staying so busy! I can’t keep up with my 3 and one of mine is old enough to help with the other two! lol
I had my third baby 5 months ago and we are still trying to figure out how to do things, haha! Although I will say that it’s getting easier to get out of the house with the kids and go places without my husband having to be there to help.
Enjoy those cute kiddos!
it sounds like you had a great time there and enjoyed much..well glad you shared this with us..great work though..