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Life since my little sisters wedding a couple of weeks ago (and my 30th birthday the day after) have been craaaa-zeeeee! I’ve had several blog posts about her wedding festivities half-written in draft form. But I just haven’t had the energy to finish them.
Life over the last week alone has been exhausting! Illness after illness after illness has hit our family in one way, shape, or form. If it isn’t us, it’s our sitters family. But this week I really took things in stride. There are things that happen that are beyond our control (ie: everything).
For instance, Moosh started coughing like crazy late Sunday afternoon. It came out of nowhere. Like, really, no where. He was fine. And then he wasn’t. He was coughing up a storm and screaming bloody murder. He was so inconsolable and I was so worried that I called my neighbor to come check on us. Chad wasn’t home and I didn’t know if I was freaking out for nothing. It turns out they did think there was reason for concern, but nothing that couldn’t wait until the morning. So first thing Monday morning our pediatrician got a call. And we had an immediate appointment. Followed up by a nebulizer for daily breathing treatments. 🙁 Bummer? Yes. But it totally helped him. Even if we did spend 2.5 plus hours waiting for the nebulizer prescription to be filled. (PS. Cranky, sick baby + 2.5 hours in a waiting room full of old people and medical equipment = almost my worst nightmare — it could have been worse, y’all. He could have been throwing up.).

Other notes from the weekend include a Moosh & Mommy hike at our local Metroparks. He was super excited to pick out lots of acorns and rocks to bring home to show daddy (yep – definitely a boy).

So yeah. It’s been a heck of a week! Ups, downs, and craziness for sure. But such is life, am I right!?
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