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Pregnancy has taken over my life, friends! Seriously. I’m sick pretty much all of the time (truly, very, very, sick). But as much of a cluster that this pregnancy has caused these last few months, I’ve also managed to fit in some happy to our lives. And I’ve been quiet about ALL of it… because let’s face it — I’ve barely been able to keep my eyes open, let alone blog, as of late.
So get ready for the longest blog post in the history of this blog. Ha! Oh – and lots and lots of pictures!
The Cleveland Flea //
Moosh and I ventured to the flea for a few hours. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, not too cool. But it was very crowded. And many a flea-goers seemed unphased and unwilling to pay attention to the toddler they were nearly elbowing (I was wearing him as to avoid a trampling of the moosh). So that was fun. Ha.

SOAR Playground //
Over the last couple of years I had heard about this “amazing” playground in Stow, Ohio. But there are so many other playgrounds around that I hadn’t ventrued out to find it. Well, we did. And it truly is amazing. Located in Silver Springs Park, the playground is suitable for young kids as well as the slightly older kid. And it’s very well known for being handicap accessible.

An added bonus of this park is that you can still go play after a rainy day, or even a rainy few hours! No messy mud or mulch to deal with!

We’ve gone on THREE movie “dates” in the last couple of months. One was taking Ari to see The Lego Movie for $1 kids club day. He LOVED it! It was a new-to-him movie and an all-around new experience for all of us! Cinemark is doing Summer Movie Camps where they play movies in the morning at 9:30 am for just a dollar a ticket! So no pressure for us to stay through the whole movie. However, Moosh made it through most of The Lego Movie before we had to leave. 🙂

Meeting Spiderman //
Ari has developed a bit of an obsession with Spiderman, pretty much out of nowhere. Well, I shouldn’t say nowhere. He has a Spiderman sippy cup, but he had never actually seen an episode or movie of Spiderman. Well, he ended up meeting Spidey at Café O’Play in Stow.

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History //
Moosh and I ventured to University Circle to hit up the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. It’s been years since I’ve been and decided that a day-trip was indeed necessary! Moosh wanted to see dinos, but he ended up being pretty terrified of their size, compared to his less-than-36-inch stature.

Race For The Place + Family Parties + Pregnancy Announcement //
So I have to be clear – our pregnancy announcement this time around was much less glamorous than the first time. The first time I was super nervous to tell everyone. This time I just wanted everyone to know because I was so tired of feeling sick for “no reason.” In fact, when telling people I mostly just blurted it out to family members.
The first weekend in June we participated as an extended family in the Race for the Place, to benefit the Gathering Place in Cleveland in honor of my aunt. Well as soon as we got there my one aunt said “Aww, Ari doesn’t look like a baby anymore. We need another baby in the family.” and I just blurted out “Well you’re getting one.” She freaked with excitement and I was relieved to have told someone. Ha. And that’s kind of how it went. We told family as we saw them. Most people said that they could tell (could it be the pregnancy glow? Probably not. It was likely the barfy look on my face and a pouch in my belly.).
I also felt like I needed to be honest with people because I was planning on running the 5k race. Which, while pregnant and very sick, was going to be … interesting. I used Moosh as an excuse to run slow, since I was pushing him in the jogger. But thankfully, my sister and brother-in-law ran alongside me and helped push him when I needed a break. Also? It’s good practice for them! Ha!

A few weeks later we went to a surprise 40th birthday party for Chad’s cousin. We spilled the beans pretty much as soon as we walked in (plus Moosh was wearing his “Big Bro” shirt!). And then later we announced it on Social Media with a picture of Moosh in that same shirt.

Visits From Mimi + Poppy //
My parents rarely are able to visit together these days. They are both working opposite schedules and their desire to see Moosh often outweighs their need to travel together. It’s good for us because it means visitors often! We’ve been able to go to Café O’Play with both Mimi + Poppy on separate occasions. Plus lunch dates galore! Poppy loved checking out one of Moosh’s fave places — Retro Dog! And this mama never says no to a Sahlen’s Hot Dog (miss you, Buffalo, NY!).

Fathers Day Surprise //
I mentioned before that the one thing Chad requested for Father’s Day was to spend the day alone. I totally, totally get it. Moosh has been a bit of a monster these days. And I’d be lying if I said I wanted anything other than that for Mother’s Day (or my birthday — cough:cough). Moosh and I had to go for a drive to pick up his new Thomas the Tank table anyway. So we ventured and left Chad at home.
While we were out that way, we decided to swing by Chad’s dads house unannounced. He wasn’t home, but Chad’s aunt + uncle live next store so we pretty much barged in on them to say hello. And yes, I totally spilled the beans about the pregnancy to them in the first .2 seconds too (clearly this was pre-party & pre-FB announcement). Ha! As we chatted, Chad’s dad ended up coming home and he was super happy and super surprised that we were visiting for Father’s Day!

By the time we got home, Moosh was ready for bed. Chad had the Father’s Day he dreamed of, and I wore Moosh out. Success!
Toddler Snuggles //
As much of a PITA Moosh has been, he’s had his moments of awesome, too. He’s been a snuggle bug, but only when he’s avoiding bedtime. Regardless, I’ll take it. Beggars can’t be choosers!

Between having a zoo membership and having a plethora of local parks to explore, we have been busy! For one, the Akron Zoo is so completely accessible for a quick trip to wear out our little man. As a member, parking is free. And at most, we end up spending a couple bucks on the carousel. We love it. And Moosh loves bringing friends with him! Especially Kayden (whom Moosh declares to be his ‘BEST friend.’). Too cute.

The rain has certainly gotten the best of our outdoor fun as of late, but before the downpours began, we managed to fit in our fair share of outdoor play.
Thirsty Dog 8k //
I was pumped to sign up for the Akron Marathon Thirsty Dog 8k race. I signed up months ago and anticipated the big day for so long! GOOD BEER at the finish line! In fact, a special beer, The Blue Line Brew, brewed specially for this event. And then I got pregnant. Running has been difficult, sure, but I knew I could finish. Again, not my fastest time; not even close. But I finished. But I was too exhausted and tired post-race to even consider waiting in line for a sip of the (very low alcohol content – so hush haters) blue line brew. There was just no way!
So yeah, I finished the nearly-five-mile course and then pretty much crashed for the whole rest of the day. Oh well.
Fourth of July Fun //
We had planned on having a super chill Fourth Of July, but plans change, y’all. We ended up being incredibly busy.
I knew I definitely wanted to take Moosh to the parade again. Last year he had fun, but he was still young. This year I told him there would be music, marching and candy. Candy!!?? Yep, candy, kid. Well, as if that weren’t enough, his friend Kayden was meeting us there AND we got donuts so he could share with all the kids while we waited. He was in heaven. And truthfully? So was I.

But wait – there’s more! Our fun day didn’t stop there! We had another party to head to after hanging with my sister. We hoped Moosh would nap on the way. But nope. Bummer. He played and played and played at the last party before heading home to a bath and to crash. And we all crashed. No fireworks, no sparklers; just our beds.
So yeah. We’ve been busy lately. Add in gymnastics + swim lessons + a gazillion household chores and you’ve got one busy little family. But I wouldn’t have it any other way! OK, back to regularly scheduled blogging! Ha!
SO MUCH GOING ON. I love that even while pregnant & sick, you’re trying so hard to make the most of the summer. Hope the sickness subsides soon… <3