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I can’t believe it’s April already. Seriously. Time is moving too quickly. In just 8 short days, Moosh is going to be 18-months old… officially a year & a half old. Officially 6-months til he turns 2. And it’s officially 6 months until my 30th birthday. What the what!?
Life has been keeping us on our toes, that’s for sure! And so has Ari! Instead of getting overwhelmed with keeping up with life and my blog, I’ve been taking it easy on myself. Encouraging words from friends + realizing that real living is too awesome to worry about the small stuff. Someone recently sent me this and I’ve been forever grateful:
So instead of keeping a clean house, here’s what we’ve been doing:
- Gym workouts. Lately I’ve been running with Ari around the indoor track. The jogging stroller is awesome; plus it makes those runs without pushing the stroller that much more awesome! When I’m not running with him, he’s playing with the other kids in the babysitting “castle.” He cries at first, but then he loves it. He loves chasing kids around and playing with them. It does make me a little sad that I am leaving him with babysitters, but it’s honestly an hour out of our day together. That’s it.
- Day-dates with the Moosh. Besides hitting the gym together, we’ve been regularly attending story time, spending some quality time at the gym and the art museum, and grabbing some lunch (yummy hotdog dates!)!
- Taking naps. Seriously. Naps are the one thing in life that are NOT overrated. Naps are amazing. And snuggling with a baby while you both take a mid-afternoon nap!? That’s the worlds greatest thing in the universe. Baby snuggles are likely the ONE thing I will never take for granted. The way he nudges his body into me and makes himself comfortable; the deep breathing as he lays on my chest; the snuggles!! Gah!! The snuggles! That makes it all worth it.
- Enjoying the weather. It definitely hasn’t been Spring her in Northeast Ohio; but we’ve had moments of nearly Spring. And we’ve gotten out and enjoyed those fleeting days.
- Eating yummy/healthy food. Have I mentioned what an awesome cook my husband is!? Y-U-M!
Other than food and a bit of fun, life has been incredibly (and wonderfully) boring. 🙂 We’ve loved every second of this awesome life.
Looks like you’ve been keeping busy but in a good way! I really need to learn to balance my time better as a new mom. I just went back to work last week and it’s been so hard leaving my baby girl. I still cry on the way to work pretty much every morning. But it gets easier, right?!?!
It gets easier! For me, it was easy to go back to work cause Ari was so colicky. Ha! But nowadays it’s honestly harder for me to go into work cause he’s SO much fun to be around! Hang in there, lady!