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When I started practicing yoga 6 years ago, I would have never thought that a restorative yoga pose was worth the cost.
My thoughts at the time were very limited. All I wanted was to build my yoga practice through power, heat, and breathing through the poses. The deeper the burn, the better the practice. I actually was disappointed during every yin pose.
Fast forward a few years (and a pregnancy) later…
That time has given me perspective. I had previously been “as many calories I can burn in 90 minutes” and now I’m all “give me all the restorative poses!”
That’s right, I look forward to the restorative poses.
I rarely have a few moments to lay back and truly ground myself; to really, really, feel relaxed.
One of the poses I’m drawn to over and over again is Viparita Karani — or Legs Up A Wall.
I L-O-V-E Legs Up A Wall because…
- It feels good on my lower back. Which has become increasingly important since Ari was born. Babies kill your back, y’all!
- It’s an inversion that doesn’t require balance (like headstand, shoulderstand, etc).
- As soon as I get in this pose I feel like a weight has, quite literally, been lifted off my chest! It’s such a great relaxing and stress relieving pose.
- Did I mention it feels good!?
- Oh, and practicing this pose regularly also helps digestive problems, insomnia, migraines, urinary complications, cramps, and high blood pressure!
Basically, this pose is designed to make you feel good! And if it doesn’t feel good initially, you can modify it by placing a bolster under you.
Even if you don’t have a yoga practice; even if you don’t have a lot of time; I highly recommend just trying this pose for a few moments during the evening. Perhaps add it to your evening routine and bedtime prep! 🙂
I feel like I’m always seeking out restorative yoga. I’ve never been the fast yoga, sweat it out type. I actually do this pose every day when I get home from work. I love it.