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Hello, January! I’m excited to see what awaits me this month. I don’t mean to sound cryptic, but I’m hoping big things happen soon!
I’ve got a new set of dreams/goals for this month. They are less concrete than last months. And I’ll get to Decembers eval in a moment.
First, onward!
1. Keep a daily food journal to see how the food I eat impacts my health.
2. Read 3 new books with my new Kindle
3. Drink nothing but water and tea throughout the month.
4. Find time to do things that make me feel good, whether it’s taking a bubble bath or going for a run or to yoga.
5. Really figure out how to fit an at-home yoga practice into my life.
6. Spend quality time with the people who matter most.
7. Find new ways to organize at home.
8. Keep things simple.
9. Plan less. Just enjoy the beginning of a new year.
10. Spend money on nothing but food and gasoline.
11. Continue to stay on top of cleaning the house during the week so I can relax on the weekend more.
12. Clean out our pantry and get rid of anything old or expired.
13. Set an intention every morning for that day.
14. Back up my computer.
15. Update my iPhone once a week.
Decmeber Dreams/Goals Review:
I did OK. I didn’t do awesome. But that’s what happens with the holidays, I suppose.
1. Blog on a daily basis from today through the end of December. I missed one day. I really couldn’t do it. I was exhausted from the holidays and stressed and crying. I just couldn’t. But I came close!
2. Read at least 3 new books. 2 out of 3! I still consider this a semi-success considering the amount of events we had going on during December.
3. Spend Christmas Eve with BFs amazing family and have a fantastic time. Done.
4. Attend my family holiday party and soak up as much family time as possible. Done.
5. Spend one hour a week reflecting, writing and/or meditating. Not really done. I’m being honest. And it would’ve been easy to lie.
6. Finally figure out my 2011 budget. Yes, but only half-hearted. I’ll explain later.
7. Find a way to fit in more daily exercise, even if that means running during my lunch break. Thanks to the weather, December has been my least active month in a very long time. We got hammered with snow and I felt like I was either a) digging to get out, or b) trying to get some place. And when I wasn’t doing that, I was just happy to be safe and at home.
8. Organize my photos on my computer and back them up. Not done. Sad.
9. Finish my holiday cards and send them out. Done.
10. Bake at least 4 new cookie recipes and blog about them. Done. I made oatmeal cookies, rugelach cookies, cut-out cookies, and sugar cookies.
11. Continue to sleep earlier, rise earlier and sleep more! I think I did OK at this.
12. Continue to stay on top of house duties during the week to make my weekends more enjoyable. Done. But I want to continue this for sure!
13. Go to at least 1 yoga class a week and create an at-home practice. I went to as many yoga classes as I could. Again, the weather made it difficult. But I definitely did not do well at creating an at-home practice.
14. Start the second part of our detox program. I didn’t do this at all. I was eating yucky food all month and I just didn’t see the point in continuing the detox of it at that point.
15. Bring lunch to work every day. Do not eat takeout at lunch at all. Looking back, this was rather unrealistic. So it didn’t happen.
16. Continue without any caffeine through the month of December. Done!
17. Keep a food diary from now until the 31st. Make note of not only what I eat, but how I feel afterward as to better help my stomach issues. Not done.
18. Take vitamins every day from now through the end of December. Not done.
What dreams and goals have you set for this month?
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Great goals!!
I'm starting a detox of sorts tomorrow, nothing but water and tea (maybe a little milk) for the month. I feel like drinking alcohol costs too much and coffee irritates my heartburn.
I need to write up some goals for the month too, that's a great idea!
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your goals, they are a real inspiration!!! I've decided to start keeping track of my in 2011! Keep the great goals coming!
oh yay for reading and a new kindle, so fun!! good luck on the goals!
I'm so impressed by your list of goals for a whole month! I can't even *think* of that many, let alone carry them out.
no vodka? you are a far, far greater person than me!
I just posted my January goals, too! I don't have as many as you, but I have a feeling I'm still going to have a hard time. 😉 Haha I love that you have update your iphone on there. Happy New Year, doll!