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– I’m still in bed at the moment and it is lovely.
– BF and I went to the local drive-in movie theater last night to see the Hangover and the new Terminator. Obviously I fell asleep during the second movie, but the Hangover was just as silly and ridiculous as I’d hoped!
– I have to go to the cardiologist later and I’m a little nervous. There is a history of heart problems in my family and I think I’m too young to be sick. We will see.
– BF is coming with me to my appointment and afterwards we are going to spend the rest of our day off together. Love him for taking the day off with me.
What’s everyone else up to on this wonderful Tuesday?
— Post From My iPhone
I certainly hope everything is ok at your doctor appointment.
That is SO awesome that your BF took the day off to be with you.
I'm at work and totally UNmotivated. Ugh!!
Mrs. M
Hope everything goes okay with your appointment.
P.s.I am dying to see the Hangover!
Hope everything goes ok on your appt!
how did the heart doc apptmt go ??
Drive ins !!! I sooo miss them !!! they dont have them here down south .. and i dont go home (north) long enuff to go to the one that remains up there .. sigggh .. yay glad you were able to go tho !!!
I can't WAIT to see The Hangover!! 🙂
I hope everything turned out OK with your appointment and monitoring! I had to wear that silly monitor for 24 hours a couple years ago, and I hated it! Did you have to do the blood pressure one along with the EKG monitoring? Ugh, that was horrible. Every 30 minutes that stupid blood pressure cuff would go off…it woke me up all night!