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-today I got my cable and internet installed! I’m so excited. BF and I can now get back to seeing each other on a daily basis!
-this is a short week!
-Oscar is fitting right into the apartment!
-I am going on a girl date with Emmy tomorrow (1/2 priced sushi)!
-I’m actually looking forward to the crazy moving and apartment stuff.
-I received two blog awards!
JW from
Jessi Bob and the Monsters gave me the Friends Award!
Thank you Jessi!
And Simply Valorie from On the Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness gave me the Kreativ Blogger award! Thank you Simply Valorie! You rock, lady!
Here’s the deal.
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
Seven things you probably don’t know about me:
1. I get really OCD about a lot of things. Including where my time and money are going. Which leads to me planning and planning and planning for things.
2. I am really sensitive. Really really sensitive.
3. I am addicted to Showtime and HBO original programming.
4. I love my new apartment. Love it.
5. Fall is my favorite time of year.
6. I love beer, football and Starbucks. True story.
7. I love studying religions, but don’t particularly believe in any one religion.
Seven Kreativ Bloggers!
1.Brown Girl!
2. Living and Loving in Tampa.
3. Jimmy Choos and Tennis Shoes
4. This, That and My Blog
5. Hailey and Matt Tie the Knot
6. Ramblings of a Fab Brunette.
7. Southern Champagne Wishes.
Check these lovely ladies out!
You are too sweet, Rachel! Thanks for the award! I've been so lazy about tagging other blogs when I get these (because I feel like I'll pick the same ones over and over again – ha), but I promise to make an effort this time. 😉
OH.MY.GOSH! I'm so excited! *blushes*
Thanks, Rachel!
1/2 price sushi….HELLO!!!! have fun!
yayy congrats on your awards!
Congrats on your awards and thank you so much for mine! I'm so excited and will post about it ASAP!
I'm glad to hear that Oscar likes his new place! I'm sure that he is thrilled to back with his mom full-time!
Well done on your awards! Glad you have your internet back on.
Isn't having cable and internet amazing? I had neither over the long weekend and was about to shoot myself! Hopefully I'll have my computer back today.
Glad you're liking your new apartment!
congrats on your awards!
p.s. new follower 😉
Hooray for cable & internet!
Yeah! Congrats on your award!
thank you so much girly!!!!! : )
CONGRATS!!! And I'm so glad Oscar is settling in nicely. I really love the show WEEDS, but i havent seen it in a few seasons. I watched the first two, and they were sooo funny.
Congrats on the awards!!! I feel you on the OCD issues. 🙂 XOXO
thanks so much lady!
i miss cable sooooo much.
take pics of your new apt!!