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Easter in our house is a touchy subject. First of all, we don’t really *do* Easter. I mean, we do; we just don’t the church part. Because — surprise — we’re not churchy people. [PS. Let’s not get into the thick of it. It’s OK if you are; we just aren’t.] Also? Moosh has an egg allergy that definitely puts a damper on Easter related crafts. Dying hard-boiled eggs? That’s scary stuff ’round these parts.
So we found alternative “craffs,” as Moosh likes to call them, to do in our house. Turns out, this kid loves to help bake vegan sugar cookies. Luckily we have an egg cookie cutter and sprinkles. Which is all this kid needed to hold his attention.

I also found other inexpensive things to “craft” (thanks, Target!). Not excluding those silly little capsule-to-sponge animal thingys. We decided to try this “craft” (I’m using the term “craft” lightly here. ‘Cause let’s be real — this wasn’t truly a craft. It was a [welcomed] distraction).

Our other go-to Easter craft is painting pottery. We are lucky to have not one, but TWO, paint your own pottery studios in close proximity to us.

So, no, we haven’t seen the Easter bunny (yet). No, we haven’t dyed eggs. But we have celebrated in our own way. And that’s all that matters! 🙂
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