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Being sick sucks. And it sucks even more when it’s over a weekend where I had SO much fun stuff planned!
I’ve honestly been fighting off some sort of illness for the last 3 months now. Instead of actually really listening to my body and treating it, I’ve pushed myself too hard and avoided the antibiotics (in my defense — they made me so much more sick the first time around).
So Saturday I went back to the doctor, got a different antibiotic and stayed home to rest.
That means skipping the 10k and the 5k I had planned to run; that means skipping a blogger meetup at the Ohio City Festival; and that means I was a sad blogger. 🙁
HOWEVER. I did get the rest that I needed. And I did get a lot of baby snuggles and pajama time! Which is pretty much perfection in it’s own amazing way.
Needless to say, I’m totally ‘slacking’ in the everything else department. Over the last several days I’ve managed to get things back on track — I’ve caught up on work, I’ve updated my to-do list, and I’ve returned phone calls. Slowly but surely, life is getting back to normal and I’m recovering from this sickness.
Thank goodness for understanding husbands, coworkers, and friends! 🙂
I’m bummed you weren’t able to make it out – but it’s good to take care of yourself and I’m glad you’re starting to feel better! I’m sure we’ll plan another blogger meetup sometime too.