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From the moment Remy Bea was born, everything changed. Sure, that’s to be expected when having a second child; but I mean it in the way that my world was turned upside down — this child was unlike anything I could have ever imagined.
But the one thing she was always good at was breastfeeding. Granted, she would pretty much breastfeed 24-hours a day — and refused to take a bottle — but it was literally the only thing she was good at. See, she refused to sleep. Like, at all. I’m not just saying that — she actually would sleep for an average of 1-3 hours in a 24-hour period. Now, it turns out that she had a series of undiagnosed UTI’s and an issue with her spinal alignment, but that wasn’t discovered for about 7 months.

Until she decided that she was done with breastfeeding.

Cue the panic and all of the sadness…

An additional source of panic was the fact that Remy Bea still would not take a bottle. Her downright refusal came after trying literally every bottle and nipple on the market — including discontinued nipples that cost $40 on Amazon! But with the help of the nutritionists from Happy Family, we decided to try her on a tiny straw sippy cup instead. Sure, not the most traditional route — but it worked!

The sadness? Well, the sadness was a little bit more difficult to overcome. But, at some point I managed to convince myself that each story of feeding babies is different, but they are all good!
At the end of the day, what’s important is that I’ve successfully made it through the hardest part — infancy. We did it, baby girl! We survived. Thanks to our tribe and our Happy Family. xo

Your journey is very similar to the one I had with my first child, except the nursing ended very early. I tried every bottle/nipple out there until we finally tried the soft straw. We do whatever works, right!?
It is so interesting to read how different people’s feeding journey is . This looks like a great product to help in times of need. My son was breastfed to 2.5 years and my daughter 9 months ( with struggle ) Every child is so different. I wish more pepole would share their journeys honestly to help others.
Yes!! I SO wish there was less shame and more just open dialogue about how every child and every situation can be SO different!
Thank you for sharing your journey! I’m thinking about kiddos, and this is a really important topic to think about! Sounds like you’re doing what works :).
I hope to breastfeed but know that’s not always possible so excited to read about good alternatives!
It can be hard to let go of expectations about breastfeeding but in the end it is what is necessary for the baby! I love Happy Famly products!
It can be hard to let go of expectations about breastfeeding but in the end it is what is necessary for the baby! I love Happy Family products!
I love that you found something that worked for her!
Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I love Happy Family products and so glad to hear good things about their formula
We love Happy Family! They have the best products for kids. Glad you guys found something that works for you!
I love that they offer online support. It’s great that they offer the ability to chat with an expert. Sometimes it is nice to get more knowledge to help make the best decisions.
I had a hard time breastfeeding my son. I ended up with mastitis a few times. Then when it was time for solids he didn’t want to try those either. Sometimes I wish kids could be a little bit more on board with things like feeding and potty training!
This formula sounds amazing! My kids were both formula fed and I wish this was around when I needed it!
Many of my momma friends have talked about the sadness they feel when they have to stop breastfeeding. It’s a really unique bond.
I don’t have kids yet but I will have to pass this post along to my mom friends out there 🙂
I’m sharing this with my new mama friend
My youngest weened herself at 11 months old. I am so thankful for a formula that worked for her during the last few months that she needed it.
Aww! Our BF’ing journey is also coming to an end. It’s so bittersweet. I’m glad you found formula that fits just as well for your growing beauty!
I am pretty sure our breastfeeding journey is ending soon and I am so sad about it- I am drying up fast lately
Not all moms can breastfeed and some have kids like yours so it’s wonderful that there’s amazing products on the market to help keep our babies healthy and thriving!